Her Words

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You don't know what it's like
Strangled till you're just about dead
Dropped to an icy grave below
The frozen shards sitting on you skin as You lay there
Pricking at you,
Chilling you to the bone,
Thoughts racing through your head
"How could you do this?"
"What have I ever done to you?"

Silently laying there on the ground
No tears failed to hit the snow
Crumpled up on the ground
As if her own mind wasn't enough torture
As if her body didn't already tell her enough
Why have you done this to her?

Why have you done this... To me.

It felt like hours ticked by
I wished for nothing more than to vanish,
To melt into oblivion

Someone's calling my name
Have they come back to finish me off?
Waiting for another blow
Nothing comes, I open my eyes
No one.

I can't take it no more
I cut and cut
I leave a note

Mother and Father,
I know it's not right
I know it's fair
I never belonged
You never seemed to care


It was the first words I ever wrote in that journal. I thought perhaps they were my last. I flipped the pages and reminisced about the past. I almost died that day. But I guess things weren't suppose to happen that way. I guess I meant to only only on till now. I love him more than anything and I just.  I can't take it anymore I can't be without him. I heaved out a sigh and flipped to the next page once again.

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