Coffee and... kisses?

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One week. I had been one week since I came to London. During that time I had grown quite close to the twins, especially Jack. He was just so much fun and often brought me with him on meetings and such to make sure I didn't feel lonely. Finn was also an amazing guy but he had been a little grumpy the last couple of days. The problems with his date (whoever it was) hadn't sorted itself out yet. I think he was trying to fix it though. He went out almost every evening with new hope in his eyes, but when he came home he always looked lost and defeated. He didn't seem to be having much luck.

I had spent a lot of time with Troye and Tyler as well and they seemed to have settled down in London. They had started to look around for an apartment and Troye had started at a school in the city just a couple of days ago. School. My stomach turned into a hard knot just by the thought of that word. I was also supposed to be back at school. But not in London. In another city. In another life.

I sighed and closed my eyes while slowly rubbing my temples, trying to rub away the pain that was building up in my head. I knew all to well that I couldn't go back to that life. It had been a week. My time was up. I was no longer welcome in my own house. And even if I were welcome, why would it matter? I couldn't go home anyway. Home was where Chad was. And Chad wasn't leaving me alone. His tweet from the other day was still fresh in my head. Enjoy your time in London as long as it lasts, sweetheart. Just thinking about it made my mouth go dry. But even if the tweet made me scared I hadn't told anyone about it, not yet. I had been thinking about telling Troye a couple of times but every time I saw him he was so happy and burning with energy that I couldn't bring myself to do it. Instead I pushed it to the back of my head and tried to distract myself from it with things like social media. Not a perfect way of dealing with it, but it worked. At least it almost worked. It helped me keep my mind of the things I didn't want to think about, but it couldn't stop the horrible headaches I had started to get lately. Headaches that were the result of trying to push away my problems.

I sighed again and went to back to scrolling through tumblr. I leaned back against the pillows in my bed and put myself in a comfortable position with my laptop on my thighs. I slowly rubbed my head with my left hand as the right one kept scrolling. Just don't think about it, I said to myself. Don't think about it and the pain will go away. Hopefully. Just try not to think about it. Don't think about Chad. Or your home. Or your mum. Or your -


I looked up and saw Jack standing in the doorway with a smile on his face. "Hey", I said, "come in!" Jack walked over to my bed and sat down next to me. "What are you up to?" he asked and peeked over at my computer screen. "Not much", I said as I kept on scrolling. "Just tumblr." He nodded. Then his smile turned into a frown as he looked over at me and saw me rubbing my temples. "Is something bothering you?" he asked. "Just a headache", I said with a sigh. His frown deepened and he moved his hands to my face, gently removing my hands and starting to rub my temples. "Do you know what caused it?" he asked. "You are not feeling ill, are you?" "No", I said, "I have just had a lot going through my head lately." He nodded and continued to rub my temples.

We sat like that for a while. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh of relief as he continued to rub my temples. "Thanks", I whispered, "that feels good." He mumbled something for an answer and then we sat there in silence for another few minutes. ''Feel any better?'' Jack asked. ''Yeah'', I said, ''thank you.'' He pulled away from me and smiled. ''Anything for you, Taylor'', he said.

I looked into his eyes and as I got lost in their beautiful green depth I felt a tickling feeling in my stomach, the feeling people often describes as butterflies. It was a feeling I had grown quite familiar with during the past week. You see, it seemed to pop into my stomach whenever I was around Jack. He didn't even have to do anything special, he could just look at me and all those butterflies could come running to my stomach. I didn't get it. Why was this happening? In books people only got that feeling when they were either really nervous, which wasn't the case since I had gotten quite used to Jack's company, or when they were in love, which definitely wasn't the case. I mean come on, I had known the guy for a week, I wasn't in love. I didn't even fancy him. Not even a little bit. Yes, he was cute, funny and extremely good-looking, but I did not fancy him. Taylor Hemingway was not fancying Jack Harries. Still the butterflies were there as I looked into his eyes. Those bright, beautiful eyes. Gosh, they were really pretty. I could look at them all day. I could-

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