15 | rolling in the deep

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"The scars of your love remind me of us,
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all,
The scars of your love, they leave me breathless,
I can't help feeling,
We could have had it all,
Rolling in the deep."

13 | rolling in the deep


I cleared my throat. "I'll say it but at one condition."

He gave me a perplexed look and I took it as a cue to continue.

"You have to tell me who started these rumors. I know you know who it is."

My eyes looked at him questioningly as I watched his entire expression fall.

I gave him an expectant look but he looked away. "W-Which rumor are you talking about?"

I pursed my lips and gave him a blank stare. "You know which rumor I am talking about."

He shook his head and I sighed.

"The rumor that says that you and I slept together last night." I told him in a slow voice. The kind of voice you use to explain something to a kindergarten student.

His jaw clenched and narrowed his eyes at me. "What's wrong in that rumor anyways?"

My eyes widened and I gasped. Shocked he could say that.

"What do you mean by 'what is wrong in that rumor'. There's EVERYTHING wrong in that rumor!" I said, angry now.

He crossed his arms across his chest and replied coolly,"Oh yeah? I don't see anything wrong in people thinking that I am in an intimate relationship with my mate."

Okay, what the actual hell? Why on Earth is he defending that goddamn rumor. And the person who spread it?

"I don't know," I said sarcastically, "Maybe the fact that they don't know that I am your mate."

He shrugged as if it was nothing. "It doesn't matter."

"IT DOES!" I shouted in angry. My heart thudding away at how livid I was. How could he just say that it doesn't matter and brush away it so easily.

"It does matter to me!" I said. "That fact that those people out that think that I am some sort of slut. Who begged her way to your bed matters to me!"

His eyes widened. "They think that?" He asked, looking genuinely shocked.

I want to fucking slap him rightnow.

"Yes they do." I replied, trying to stay calm- but I was failing. "Let's not argue about this. There's no use arguing over something that can't be reversed."

"You have 2 options now." I raised two fingers. He gave me a questioning look and I continued.

"Either you go and tell them that I am your mate..."

He averted his glance from me and shook his head. "I.. I can't do that.." he said.

There goes a pang in my heart. I clenched my jaw to prevent the tears from forming in my eyes. He didn't want anyone to know that we are mates...

He doesn't want to shout out to the world that I am his and he is mine, like I do.

Mom and dad- when I was a kid- told me that when a male wolf finds his mate- his first instinct is to never let her away from her eyesight. Then, his second instinct is to mark his mate so that the world knows that she is his' and no one can touch her.

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