76 | secrets

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Tell me what you want to hear
Something that will light those ears
Sick of all the insincere
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away.”


76 | secrets


"Your parents have been calling us a lot frequently now." Ryder said suddenly, making me turn towards him in awe.


"So your parents called the Alpha a few days ago, asking about your welfare," He sighed and shifted his torso towards me. "They wanted to talk to you, but we couldn't arrange that for... obvious reasons."

He paused, "Alpha tried to handle the situation by saying that you were gone for a field trip with school, but they aren't convinced. They are coming back to the pack tomorrow. It's good if we reach there before them, we don't want them to worry too much."

I kept silent and stared at space. A million thoughts were running in my head. My parents had no idea about what I've been through, where I'd been or whether I'd ever go home again.

It was funny to me.

Funny because when I used to be a kid, my parents never used to leave me alone. They never let me out of their sight, and one of them was always there to look after me.

For once in their life they left, and this is what I've done to myself.

For once I did agree with Ryder on the fact that they shouldn't know about this— otherwise, knowing my parents, they'll probably feel guilty about everything and take all the blame on themselves.

"You're right." I said.

Another wave of silence surrounded us before I decided to break it by asking a question that had been budging me for a while.

"How did you get here? Weren't you in Alaska?" I asked him, looking directly at his face as he sighed.

"To be honest, everyone's been asking me this same question because no one was able to contact me at the time I was there and everyone's curious to know how I knew that something wrong is happening."

"I just, I don't know okay." He said, in an exasperated tone.

"I just felt like you needed me. Not even the pack. Just you. And it was ferox just knew where to go and what to do. Infact, he was the one who guided our way to this rogue land. So, it's a mystery to me how this all happened and I myself am a bit confused. Everytime I think about it, I get a little more perplexed and the thought about this being related to something spiritual is just surreal—"

"He's your protector." A timid voiced said from behind us, interrupting Ryder's monologue.

We both turned around at the same time to see Alissa standing in front of the tent with her hands clasped together, shyly and a tiny frown on her face.

The wind made her clothes stick to her skin, making her bony, and fragile body even more evident. It pained my heart everytime I looked at her.

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