21 | papercut

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"Right now don't know why I love you
But by the morning when we wake up
I'll reach for you and remember
It was just a paper, just a papercut.
I find refuge in the distance
even when we're breaking down
Can we pause it just for one kiss?"

20 | papercut


"We're home!" Katherine called out as we entered the threshold of the pack house. The door is bewitched by the witches. The spell makes sure that only the pack members can enter this house. That, or if someone outside the pack tries to, they need the Alpha's or Luna's permission.

"Who's with you Katherine?" A voice said from inside the kitchen and in a while Luna Claire walked out with a tray of freshly prepared cookies in her hands.

She was wearing an apron and proudly wore a flour stain on her face- which I think is a mandatory if you've been baking.

Isn't it?

She looked up to see me standing next to Kat and her eyes lit up.

"Olivia!" She said, excitedly and came to give me a brief hug. I smiled and hugged her back, wishing her a good afternoon.

Lunas are depicted to be highly social and sweet. They are the mother of the pack. It is their job and nature to show affection towards the entire pack.

Luna Claire was no different. The only thing was that she despite being all the above- had the capability of being formal when necessary.

She could be all homey and motherly in the pack. But when she is needed to represent the pack, she can become the strong, Independent and formal woman anyone would admire and idolize.

She was a perfect Luna figure.

Some people though say that the current Luna and Alpha are way too ambitious. There are rumors that they have went to extents of doing dirty jobs to get the pack where they are.

I wonder why people take ambition as a negative quality. Ambition is good. I appreciate ambition.

(A/N- I think of Slytherin when I think about ambition tbh ❤️)

Luna and Alpha have together got out pack to the position where it is on today and I'd rather be thankful to them.

Looking at Luna Claire, she didn't look like she could be the mother of an eighteen year old at all. Reece definitely picked a lot of his sharp beautiful features from her. Including the sharp pointed nose and the bright eyes.

"What is she doing here?" A voice broke me from my thoughts and I looked above to see Chance standing on the gigantic staircase with his arms crossed over his chest and an angry expression on his face.

My jaw clenched at his ruthless tone and I looked away. I didn't answer or acknowledge him. He doesn't deserve it.

"That is not the way you talk to a young lady," Luna reprimanded Chance with an icy glare and smiled sweetly at me. "Especially if she's so pretty."

I tried not to blush at her compliment and muttered a quick thank you.

"Oh don't be silly," she brushed it off, placing her hand on my back as she guided me towards the stairs.

Chance stood in front of me with the same livid expression and I wondered what I did wrong

This boy confuses me so much I want to wring his neck.

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