32 | firestone

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"I'm a flame
You're a fire
I'm the dark in need of light
When we touch, you inspire
Feel the change in me tonight
But when they strike, we light up the world."

32 | firestone


"Pizza." I said defiantly.

"Pasta," he said, shaking his head.

"Pizza!" I dead-panned, slamming my hand on the table.

He placed his hand over mine, "Pasta." He said, taking my hand in hand.

My cheeks turned pink but I had to keep fighting for pizza!

"Pizza." I said for the last time and he opened his mouth to retaliate but I cut him off.

"Chance, why are you even denying? You and I both know you love pizza. You said that the other day." I asked.

"Maybe I just like arguing with you?" He grinned, winking at me.

I rolled my eyes, "Seriously?"

"Yup! You look so cute when you're mad," he pinched my cheek to emphasize and I forced a frown on my face even when I was squealing in the inside.

"Stop," I muttered, trying to hide the blush as I swatted his hand.

He chuckled and pulled back.

We were currently sitting in the school cafeteria, along with the rest of the "squad". The boys requested me and Katherine to sit along and we agreed. Andrew had gone after 2nd period. Where? I have no idea.

Ryder wasn't here either.

"Honestly," I tried to change the topic,"I won't be surprised if you turned out to be the kind of guy who watches Disney movies while cuddling with a pillow in a fluffy blanket."

I looked up to see him hiding his face.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he mumbled.

I grinned goofily, "Do you watch Disney movies, Chancie-poo?"


"You soooo do," I gushed while poking his shoulder as his cheeks turned a little pink.

"HE DOES!" Reece butted in, "And I am pretty sure he has watched all of them."

A smirk made it's way through my lips and I looked at Chance while wiggling my eyebrows, "Disney guy, huh?"

"And and and," Reece said excitedly, "Guess which is his favorite one?"

"Urm, Tangled?" I asked, taking a wild guess.

Reece shook his head, "Nope! It's Frozen. He loves Ola-"

"Oh shut up. That's enough now." Chance interrupted as he glared at Reece for 'embarrassing him'.

Reece only winked goofily at him.

"Hi I am Olaf and I like warm hugs!" Reece said, spreading his arms wide, slapping a wide grin on his face.

Chance glared daggers at him and smacked him hard in the head. "You little piece of shit!"

"So you like warm hugs, huh?" I teased.

"Well, I don't mind as long as it is you," he said, smiling cheesily and I rolled my eyes, a silly grin forming on my face.

"Whatever," I muttered and he chuckled, wrapping his arms around me.

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