37 | gorgeous

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“Ocean blue eyes looking in mine
I feel like I might sink and drown and die.”


37 | gorgeous

- Olivia -

A soft feather touch tingled my cheeks, making me smile in happiness. Sparks that rose up in my skin told me who it was.

Smiling, I snuggled my face into his neck and breathed in his intoxicating smell. He chuckled lightly and tightened his hold on my waist. Placing a feather kiss on my temple, he caressed my cheek with his thumb.

"Good morning, beautiful." He whispered, his morning voice sounding husky enough to make me shiver in pleasure.

I grumbled an incoherent reply and make no attempt to wake up.

He chuckled again. "Tired?"

I nodded, groaning and he kissed my temple again.

"It's okay, I'll bring my baby breakfast in bed."


"I am tiiiireed," I complained as I sat on the bed after brushing. Chance laughed as he walked in.

He held a large tray of food in his hands and a large grin formed on my lips after seeing the food.

"You got me waffles!" I squealed exciedly on seeing the golden-brown yummy-ness laid on the plates in front of me with maple and chocolate syrup.

"Yeah," he breathed, smiling warmly at me. "I hope you like it?"

"I LOVE IT." I exclaimed, as I dig in my food.

"Nah nah," he shook his head and took the spoon from me, making me pout. "My baby is tired, I'll feed you."

My eyes softened and my stomach filled with warmth as he fed me lovingly. We talked about anything and everything as we spent our morning together, in each other's company.

"So," he began. "I was wondering if you'd like to go on another date with little ole' me?"

My eyes widened and I almost choked on the food at the sudden question.

Another date? Should I consider this as an apology for what happened yesterday? I mean, he was being pretty sweet but... I don't know.

"Sure," I smiled politely and I opened my mouth as he fed me another bite.

His grin widened and he flicked my nose, "Good!"


"So where are we going?" I asked, curiously as I slipped on my denim jacket while getting out of the door.

He looked at me and tsked his tongue. "I thought I made it clear last time, I don't tell where my dates are,"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh come on! It's not that big of a deal. That was the first date but now I am pretty sure you can tell me."





"Don't give me those puppy eyes, Oli."

"Pwetty pwease?" I mumbled, pouting and giving him the best puppy look I could muster. He looked at me with a terrified look and averted his gaze.

"Oh my god, I am not even looking at you."

"But Channnceee,"

"Nope, I am not going to— okay fine! Fine! I'll tell you. Just stop giving me those eyes."

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