22 | clarity

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“Chasing relentlessly, still fight and I don't know why
If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?”

21 | clarity


I paced up and down in my room, checking my phone every minute, raking my mind for any sort of mindlink that gave me information about what is happening at the pack border.

As Katherine told me, there was a rogue attack at the borders late at night and patrol team informed the alpha to collect more men so that we could defend ourselves.

It must be a serious attack because minor attacks- where there are just a couple of rogues- are handled by border patrol itself. They don't require any involvment of alpha or warriors.

A cold wind blew inside the room through the window and my body shivered. I hugged myself tight and proceeded to close the window. My wolf inside me was restless. I could feel her.

My breathe left a foggy appearance on the window pane and I furrowed. It's abnormally cold for summers tonight.

It's been 2 hours since that happened and now it's around four- thirty in the morning. Still, there is no information about their well being.

I don't know what happened to our pack members, to Katherine's father or brother— and importantly, I don't know if Chance is okay.

I pursed my lips and my thoughts got carried away to all the times we fought...but also all the times we've spent together. We might not be the ideal mate pair. We were not even close. But that didn't change the fact that I wanted him to be safe at all costs.

I also thought about this other very important person in my life who could be in risk rightnow. Ryder.

I am sure he went there. Because he's the Gamma. The ultimate head of the defence.

My lips turned into a frown as I thought about what all could possibly happen. I wasn't too worried about him though. He's 20. And he trained for 3 years...he should be fine, right?

But what if...?

Shaking my head, I got rid of my fleeting thoughts and sat on the back.

I saw the sleeping figure of the girl who cried herself to sleep, worrying about her brother and her father. Wondering whether they'll make it or not.

She was very protective of her little family. Her father and her brother. Her mother died when she was just 5. She saw her mother being murdered by rogues right in front of her eyes. Maybe that's why she was so scared of them.

I remember Katherine used to have panic attacks and nightmares when she was a kid. She said that they always ended with one of her family members dying.

This fear has remained with her till now, and it will remain with her all her life.

He mother's death tainted her. Forever.

No one deserves to go through pains like those. Pains that stay with you for a lifetime. Pains that slowly eat away a part of you. Pains that make you blind to rationality and pains that make you numb.

I know that deep down she wished she could do something about it. She wished she could go and fight too. Fight and aid the pack. Be of some help.

Female warriors are practically unheard for in the werewolf world simply because they are always "protected" by- first their fathers and then their mates. They aren't allowed to fight until extremely necessary.

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