51 | titanium

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“I'm criticized, but all your bullets ricochet
Shoot me down, but I get up
I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away
Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away
You shoot me down, but I won't fall
I am titanium.”


51 | titanium


Next day was school. Obviously, like things needed to get worse. Katherine was ignoring me like a plague and my initial sense of loss had now turned into grave anger towards her.

Friends aren't supposed to abandon each other like this.

I decided to just shove those thoughts in the back of my mind and concentrate on my studies. I will just get a scholarship and shift to some other state for higher studies. Away from these people.

I hissed as my legs felt extremely numb after the vigorous training this morning. After Katherine went, I decided to just let my anger out on training and that's what I did.

I watched as other pack warriors did it and even though I barely managed to do one-tenth of how much they did, I was sore as hell.

As soon as I reached my first class, my eyes fell on the familiar mop of dark hair and I cheered up a bit.

"Andrew!" I squealed in his ear as reached him and he jumped up a feet in surprise.

"Oh god!" He gasped. "Oli! You scared me!"


iggling I pulled away from him. "Where were you? I haven't seen you in a while!"

He scratched the back of his neck as he looked down shyly. "I had a competition to attend in Los Angeles."

"Oh," I said, nodding my head in understanding. "Did you win?"

He threw me a smirk, trying to act arrogant but he ended up looking like a little puppy trying to be mean.

"Of course," he snorted and I squealed happily, which made him flinch.

"Geez, woman, calm down. You're so energetic. What the hell did you have this morning?"

Andrew had always been into photography, participating in every competition and doubtlessly winning almost all of them. It was perfect. A semi shy boy like him, hidden behind the lens of his camera.

"I just misshed you," I gushed, giving him a bear hug as my voice muffled because of his sweater.

He chuckled and hugged me back.

"Why didn't you tell me about that competition before? You've been gone for like, 5 days or something."

"4," he corrected and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever," I mumbled.

He gave me a cheeky smile and went back to concentrate on the class as the teacher walked in but I wasn't really interested in knowing what Shakespeare thought of love and deriving a page of explanation out of 2 lines written by a writer.

Literature isn't my thing.

So I continued annoying Andrew. See that's the Golden rule. If you aren't interested in studying in a particular class, your friend isn't allowed to either.

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