“Are you ready for it?”
72 | ready for it
As a kid, whenever I used to see my father giving someone an injection, or whenever I used to get an injection, I used to cry so much. My parents always laughed it off and say that it was funny that I hated injections and blood despite my own father himself being a doctor. It makes no sense, but it did, to them.
I liked chemistry. I liked the chemical aspect of it. But when it came to blood and the syringe, I ran away.
Never had I thought as a child that one day will come when I'll be standing with that very syringe in my hand, ready to kill someone to save my own life.
Life works in unpredictable ways, I guess.
Things we never think will have to us, things we never prepared for, happen. And we have to survive through them. That's how it is.
When we are kids, we are so oblivious to the evil world outside. We are like in a little cocoon, protected and looked after. My parents always pampered me and babied me to the extent where I fell in denial. I refused to believe that things could go wrong and like isn't after all a fairy tale. I am their only child, and they protected me with all they had— so much so I forgot how to protect myself. And I guess, I'm paying the price for it now.
When I first met Chance as a mate, I was so happy. I felt like my fairy tale has finally come to a beautiful end. But I was so wrong.
I was so wrong because I didn't realize that it wasn't the end of a beautiful fairy tale, but the beginning of a harsh reality.
Maybe it was because of the fact that I had always been so protected— that I refused to see how much he could hurt me. In my head, I always felt like things would get better. I never gave much thought to how much he could break me. To me, all mates were like my parents— my parents who can't even see each other in slight pain.
But then life happened and the truth slapped me in the face so hard that I couldn't get back up. I kept falling. I fell, again, hoping for someone to lend me a hand and prevent me from breaking my bones. I fell freely, seeing everything around me, experiencing the burns, the winds, the waters and the sun.
And then, I finally slammed on the ground, breaking several bones.
But I survived it all. It was a tough journey and it is not gonna get easier either, but I knew, that if I could survive this, I could survive anything.
I had bones broken, self esteem shattered, hopes crumpled— but that's how I found myself. It took me a hell lot of a time. But I finally did. And broken or not, I was ready to fight for myself.
So when the door of my little cellar opened one last time, bringing the devil himself inside, I knew it was time.
Because he had that ugly smirk on his face and I had a weapon in my hand.
I knew that I didn't have time to overthink anymore.

The Beta's Unwanted Mate | ✔️ Complete
Werewolf#1 werewolf #1 teenfiction "That night meant nothing to me Olivia." "You were just like another girl to me." He smirked, "and you KNOW how I do girls. I lure them," he took a crumpled paper in his hands and softly straightened it, "I fuck them. HARD...