44 | tenerife sea

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"We are surrounded by all of these lights
And people who talk too much
You've got that kind of look in your eyes
As if no one knows anything but us
And should this be the last thing I see
I want you to know it's enough for me."


44 | tenerife sea


"That's it?" I asked him, in complete shock.

He nodded and gave me a cheeky grin.

"It wasn't even that difficult!" I exclaimed, my lips stretching into a big smile.

"I told you!" He exclaimed, laughing happily as I tackled him into a tight hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" I gushed as I released him and closed my books. My homework was finally complete, all thanks to him and I could submit this now tomorrow without worries failing.

I mustered my books and kept them on the bed side and rested by the headboard.

"That's it?" Chance repeated by earlier words and I looked at him in confusion.


"Won't I get a gift?" He asked, as he tapped his cheek, cheekily.

Laughing, I understood what he meant and leaned forward to kiss his cheek but he moved his head in the last second so that my lips touched his in a kiss.

He didn't move away with a peck. Holding our lips together, he placed a hand on my neck and kissed me passionately.

Moaning lightly, I kissed him back and our lips got lost into a rhythmic pattern of pulling and tugging and tasting each other.

Kissing Chance everytime is like the first time all over again. It just gets better. The whole 'getting bored of someone' business doesn't work with mates. If anything, the bond grows.

And I could definitely feel that the bond has grown between us.

I was closer to him than ever before, both emotionally and mentally. I hands moved into his soft hair as I stroked them and pulled them in ecstasy.

Chance moaned everytime I tugged on his hair, telling me he liked it and it was the sexiest sound in the world for me.

Pulling away, his lips left mine to move to my jaw and I whimpered in pleasure as he left butterfly kisses down my jaw to my neck and all the way above my chest.

-- Mild sexual content ahead, don't read if you are under 13 years of age or if you are uncomfortable 😊 --

My back arched in ecstacy when his lips touched just above the swells of my breast and my entire body shook in pleasure. My hands moved to his neck to hold his head in place as he nipped and sucked the soft skin of my chest.

"Oli..." He moaned my name between his kisses and my stomach bursted into a thousand butterflies and a feeling of warmth spread through my core.

He pushed me back on the bed so that I laid on my back and he crawled on top of me. His body weight wasn't pressing me down he supported himself with one hand but I liked the little weight he did put on me because it made me feel captivated.

Needing to touch his lips again, I pulled up his face to place my lips on his and he returned to my kiss with equal amount of urgency and fervour. I dominated the kiss this time and pushed my tongue into his mouth, tasting him and feeling closer to him than ever before.

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