28 | wild heart

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“Tonight we'll dance
I'll be yours and you'll be mine
We won't look back
Take my hand and we will shine
She needs a wild heart
I got a wild heart.”

28 | wild heart


I bit my lip and fidgeted with my clutch as I waited, sitting on my bed.

"Kat, should I go downstairs?" I asked her.

She shook her head,"No, he said he'll pick you up from the door."

I sighed. Struggles on going on a date with someone living in the same house.

"I think I should go to the hall and not make it complicated. What if he thinks I am extra?"

Katherine looked at me with challenging eyes and raised a brow, "Think? Girl, you are extra."

I threw her a blank stare and chucked a pillow at her side. "Shut up."

She chuckled and winked at me before going back to her phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked in general.

She looked at me through her lashes before looking down and mumbling, "Oh... nothing..."

Her cheeks tinged pink and my eyes widened.

"Katherine Paxton is BLUSHING?" I exclaimed, gaping in shock.

"Shut up!" She said, her cheeks turning darker.

Don't get me wrong. Katherine has dated a few guys before and was chill about it. But she was never the mushy gushy, you-hang-up-first types. Infact she'd had a guy if he tried to do this.

So her blushing over a text message was a big deal. Because unlike me, she didn't blush easily.

I grinned and wiggled my eyebrows at her. "Who's the unlucky guy?"

Katherine pursed her lips at me and jut her chin in the other direction. "Me not telling you." She said in a cute voice and I laughed.

"Oh com'on, don't be a spoilsport!" I walked upto her side of the bed and tried coaxing her into telling me but at the same time a knock was heard on the door and we both looked at it at the same time.

"Oh shit."


"It's okay Oli. Just open the damn door. He's not going to eat you." Katherine said, rolling her eyes as I panicked.

Nodding frantically, I took a deep breathe and proceeded to open the door.

Chance was standing right in front of me wearing a denim shirt and black. His hair were messily tousled as usual and he wore the most beautiful smile on his face as he looked at me.

Honestly, I was starstruck at how captivating he looked. My heart thudded and my hands started turning clammy in anticipation as he too, looked at me from top to bottom.

I bit my lip once again and tried to not shy away as he looked at me because what if he thought I wasn't pretty enough?

I was kind of jealous to be honest, he could look so good in probably 5 minutes and it took me an entire hour to get ready for this.

I looked up to see him looking at me with an emotion I couldn't quite decipher. A small, loving small played on the corners of his lips and his eyes held so many emotions.

He stepped forward and took my hand in his. Leaning down, he whispered in my ears, "You look beautiful." His lips brushed my ears and I turned red.

I think I just died.

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