The New Boy

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Korean dictionary:

Arasso = It means "okay" or "understood," like a commanding question.

Enjoy reading, JongKey-Shippers!


The young Kim Kibum had once again managed to drag himself out of bed and to school; only to face another long day.

School was about to start as the tired boy had his legs up on the table while he looked around with an almost bored expression on his face.

School wasn't really his thing. Well, he was good, it was more the people he didn't bother to be around.

Everyone got seated as soon as the bell rang in. And as always, no one sat near the young boy. He had built up a "couldn't-care-less" image, which made it hard for people to befriend him if they wanted.

Most people had a lot of respect for him... mostly because they were scared of him. And then there was those who just thought he bragged about his grades, looked "too girly" and then made him an easy target.

Kibum didn't really mind, he would just shake it off and then cry himself to sleep at night... That's how it had always been.

"Good morning class!" The teacher entered as she placed her coffee cup on the school desk. It was like a sign that made the students go to their tables and get seated. "Today we have a new student. So please welcome him well."

In entered a short-tanned guy with chocolate-brown hair and blond highlights. He was wearing black shinny jeans, white sneakers, a tight white tank top and a denim shirt on top. He smiled shyly as he looked at the teacher.

"His name is Kim Jonghyun and he will be joining us for the last 2 school semesters."

The diva was sitting in the back, not really paying attention to anything... until a voice broke into his little world.

"I'm sorry, is this seat taken?"

Kibum just moved his legs from the table as he continued to stare into the back of the chair in front of him.

"I'm Kim Jonghyun, nice to meet you...-" He trailed off, waiting for the other to introduce himself.

Kibum started to get annoyed. Did this kid actually want him to spend energy on a conversation? To his surprise he looked up as he met an unknown face.

"And you are?" He asked with a face that almost screamed ignorance.

The new boy smiled confused as he replied: "Well, I'm new here."

Wow, you should think that the teacher would introduce us to new kids, Kibum thought to himself as he leaned back on the chair.

"Great for you," Kibum mumbled unsatisfied with a new desk buddy.

The new student just sat down as his smile faded by the way he got treated by his new classmate.

"Now, class: you will be getting some papers and then you will have to translate all the words from Korean to English, araso?" The teacher ordered as she handed out some blue papers.

Jonghyun looked like someone who was about to fall of the chair when he saw how long the list was. How was he even supposed to make all that on 30 minutes?


Jonghyun had now been looking at the first word for ten minutes straight and he still didn't know what it meant. Not like it would help to stare, but he simply found it necessary.

"Done," Kibum said, raising a hand so the teacher could pick the blue paper up.

Jonghyun just looked at him with big eyes as he blinked slightly surprised. How could he be done already?

Kibum was left to wait for everyone else as he kept staring into the chair in front of him.

The new kid peeked up from his paper as he considered asking the other for help. He weren't doing anything anyway; the new guy thought to himself.

"Em... You are good at English, right?" He asked Kibum with a hesitating smile. Kibum just nodded, not even bothering to look at the other. "Well, can you help me?" Jonghyun asked nervously, somehow expecting a no.

Kibum just ripped out the paper from his hands as he started to fill out all the lines for his new desk buddy. "Here you go," He said not even a second later, as he put down the paper in front of the other.

The new kid just sat in amazement as he bowed to show how grateful he was. "Thank you so much, but you didn't nee-..." Kibum cut him off as he waved a hand in the air; tp show how he didn't care for his deep thank-you speech.

"Drop your paper on my desk before you leave, okay?" The teacher said out loud as she took her things and left the classroom for a break.

Kibum just hurried out of the room as he went to get some books from his locker. He would always be the first one to get his things ready for every class - especially if he had to keep up his good school image.

"What in the world..." Kibum heard someone curse a few lockers away from him. He just laughed; thinking it probably was someone who didn't know how to open the lockers again... It was sad how amusing Key always found it.

He then turned to see it was the new kid again. A sigh left his pink lips as he closed his own locker before approaching the other boy.

"Let me." Kibum said as he pushed Jonghyun away from the locker

Jonghyun just smirked softly, as he watched Kibum open his locker.

"You never told me your name?"

"You're right... I didn't." Kibum said in a sarcastic voice as he went down the hallway after he had opened the locker.

The short guy was left by the lockers as he laughed in confusion.

A kid that seems not to care, but still helps out? Jonghyun found it very mysterious, like he needed to know this guy.


A short intro.

Give the chapter a star if you want the next chapter. *Chu, chu.*

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