Chapter 2

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I don't bother unpacking my stuff because I'm too lazy to even think about repacking it. So I just sit at the end of my bed scrolling through twitter. When I see that I have 9 new notifications, and I see that all the boys followed me, I follow them back.

"So I see somebody isn't going to unpack" Nash says standing in front of me laughing

"Nope I'm to lazy because if I unpack then it means that I have to repack" I say

"I see your logic" Nash says then laughs and sits down on the bed beside me. I was about to start typing a tweet when Nash grabs my phone out of hands and runs to the other side of room. I chase him

"Nashhh give me my phone" I say while still chasing him around

"Neverrrr" he says while he is typing on my phone I assume he is tweeting

"Hey come on let's at least take a selfie" I say trying to persuade him to give me my phone back.

"Nope" he says popping the P

"C'mon" I go to run over to him but trip on the end of the bed and fall into Nash which makes him fall over. So now I was on top of Nash on the floor trying to get my phone back.

"Now can I get it back" I say raising my eye brows


"But whyyyy" I whine

"Because I like this position" he says

"Your so weird" I laugh and get role of off him to my right so I'm laying down beside him

"Here you go" he says handing me my phone I look at it and noticed that he put his contact in and sent himself a text so he has my number.

"You know you could have just asked for my number right" I said and laughed

"Yea but that's no fun"

"Yea your right" I giggle, my phone rang and it was a text from my dad that said for me and Nash to meet in his room in 10 minutes. I told Nash and he said ok. I got up and walked over to the mirror by the dresser and started to French braid my hair on an angle down the side.

"Hey Nash" I say

"Hey Kathryn"

"Are you and Hayes brothers?"

"Haha yes"

"Then why aren't you rooming with him"

"I was supposed to but I switched it because if I didn't you would be stuck with Cameron and Taylor"

"Haha ok but what so wrong with Cameron" I say and laugh

"Nothing just-whatever" he says and rolls eyes

"Ok c'mon let's go" I say and grab Nash's wrist and pull him out of the room. We get to my dad's room and the rest of the guys are there already and we made it just in time for my dad to start talking.

"Ok so this is how this weekend is going to go. Tomorrow we need to be at the place by 12 and the then meet and greets start at 1 then the show. Same thing for Sunday but after Sunday we stay here for 4 days then we go to D.C.. But as for tonight you guys can do whatever you want." After my dad is done talking my phone beeps, I look at it and it's a text from Nash. I read and decide to text him back. (Convo)

N- this is so boring

K- I know my dad is always this boring lol

N- but at least I'm talking to you now so I'm not bored lol

K- your such a flirt 😂

N- I know but you seem to like it

K- hey I never said it was a bad thing

"Hey Kathryn and Nash are you going to listen or are you just going to sit there and text each other the whole time." I heard a voice say, I looked up and saw everybody staring at me and Nash.

"Uhh sorry continue" I say putting my phone down beside me

"Well all that I really needed to tell you is the procedure for tomorrow other than that I don't need to say anything" my dad starts and finishes, we all say ok and then start to head out of the room. We are all walking towards the elevator and I hear the guys talking.

"Dude you already got her number" Matt says

"Yea really come on thats not fair" Taylor says, before I heard any more I turned around and said

"You know I'm right here, right?" Nobody responded so I just rolled my eyes and turned back around and started walking again.




We are in Cam, Taylor, and Hayes's room playing truth or dare. I always volunteer to play these kinda of games, I'm not really scared to do anything but you never know what 9 boys will make you do when you are the only girl playing.

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