Chapter 21

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There he was, Hayes, pushed up against the wall kissing another girl. I stood there in shock not knowing what to do neither did Nash, I felt tears trickle down my face.

"Hayes" I choke out he turns his head and his eyes go wide at the sight of me.

"Kat" He tries to say but I turn around and run. I don't know where I'm running to but i end up at the end on the hallway I slide down the wall and bring my knees to my chest. I cry and hear footsteps coming towrds me, I don't look to see who it is they just put their arm around me, they pull me into their chest and by the smell of their colone i can tell its Taylor.

"Shh its okay...what happened" He says and rubs circles on my back

"H-hayes he was k-kissing another g-girl" i cry and he clenches his fist

"Shhh" he try's to calm me down but i can tell hes mad

"Taylor shouldn't you be performing" I lift my head and look at him

"I saw you running so I cae here, i told them i had to go the bathroom"

"You should go, you dont have to stay here with me"

"How about we get your mind off of this and come on stage with me" he suggests and i smile

"I would love to" we stand up

"Jump on" he motions for me to get on his back so i do and he starts running and i laugh. We reach back stage and he asks me again if i want to go on and i nod my head yes. I know my dad will be mad at me but whatever. We step on stage and the crowd was huge Nash sees me on stage and comes up to me.

"Are you okay?" he asks concerned

"Yea Taylor found me" i smile but he hugs me anyway

"Just to let you know I yelled at him when you left"

"Thanks Nash" I say and then lip gloss starts to play "you have to lip gloss with us" he says and i shrug. when the part comes on i start to lip gloss with them, I look out in the audience and i see my dad glaring at me. I ignore him and just keep going.




Magcon just ended and we are walking walk to our rooms, I'm walking next to Matt.

"KATHRYN!" I hear my dad yell and everyone turns around, he is furious. I stop walking and go over to him. "What were you thinking!" He yells

"I dont know" I put my head down

"Why would you go on stage! You know that only the boys are supposed to do that!"

"I know.."

"Maybe I should send you back home and you can stay with your mother!" He says and my head pops up

"No no no please let me stay" I beg and then i see Taylor running towards us

"Bart please dont take this out on Kathryn this was all my idea" he says to my dad and he just glares at him

"Is this true" he asks me and i nod my head as a tear roles down my cheek

"Fine but just dont do it again" he says and walks away

"Thanks so much Taylor" I hug him

"No problem I didn't want you to go home...I'll miss you to much"

"Awe Tayyyy"

"What its true"


"Hey can we stop at Matts room really quick I think i left my sweatshirt in there" He asks

"Yea sure" i said as we walk into his room and most of the guys are in there. We walk in and Taylor finds his sweatsirt we are about to walk out when someone grabs my wrist i turn around and see that it was Hayes.

"Can we talk" he asks

"No there is nothing to talk about"

"Yes there is"

"There really isn't, you kissed another girl so we're over" I wiggle out of his grip and walk into the hallway i start to walk back to the lobby

"Kat where are you going!" Taylor shouts down the hallway

"On a walk!"

"Wait I'll-" Taylor says but Matt interupts him

"Just let her go shes needs time to think" he says, I walk out of the hotel and I'm immediately hit by the cold night air of D.C.. I was walking along the side walk when I sat down on a curb. How could Hayes do this to me? I thought to myself, why am I always the one who gets hurt in these situations. I was in the middle of my thoughts when a car pulls up in front of me, they role down the window and it's Garrett. I stand up and back away from his car. He gets out and starts to walk towards me.

"There is no one here to save you this time" he says

"Umm you don't know that"

"Well where's your boyfriend?"

"Not here"

"Exactly" I tried to turn around and run but he grabbed my wrist, he had such a tight grip that his nails dug into my skin and is causing me to bleed. He started pulling me to the car and I was resisting, I had tears streaming down my face. I tried to yell but he would slap me if I did.

"Hey!" Someone yelled behind us, I look back and it was Matt, he was running towards me. Garrett didn't acknowledge Matts presence and kept trying to get me into the car. Soon enough Matt came and shoved Garrett off of me. "You need to leave Kathryn the hell alone!" Matt yells and shoves him again

"Why?! Your not going to do anything about it!" Garrett shoved Matt back and Matt punches him in the face, I could here the crack of Garrett's nose breaking. (If you've ever broken somebody's nose in a fight you know the sound😂)

"C'mon Kat let's get out of here" he says, grabs my hand and we start running in the direction of the hotel. When we get a far enough distance from Garrett he stopped running and I did the same. He turned to me and i looked down at my wrist I see the dry blood and then I put my hand on my cheek because that's where he slapped me. I look back up at Matt and start to cry. He pulls me into his chest and I just cry he rubs my back.

"M-matt" I choke


"Why does all this shit happen to me"


"Hayes cheated on me, Garrett's trying to kidnap me, and my dad doesn't want to be ok tour anymore"

"Hey" he lifts my chin up with his fingers "stay strong everything will get better" he says and I just stare into his eyes. He starts to lean in and I do the same our lips connect and then I pull away. He smiles and so do I.

"C'mon let's go get you cleaned up" we start walking back to the hotel hand in hand

(A/N I KNOW I HAVENT UPDATED IN FOEVERRR!!!! I'm trying but it's just really hard bc I have Field Hockey practice like everyday and when I don't have practice I'm at the gym. I promise that I will start to update more! Anyway...LOVE YOU ALL❤️)

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