Hamilton x Reader- The New Beginning

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Classic one first!
Words: 1018
Warnings: it's really cheesy

The fresh sea breeze blew through (Y/N)'s
(H/C) hair as she was on a ship setting sail to the new world. The thoughts of a new life bombarded her mind as she inhaled the smell of the salty sea. The British colonies were getting closer now, for she was on the edge of the ship watching everything unfold.

(Y/N) was from Columbia, and she was coming here so she could forget the loss of her parents. She worked hard in Columbia and was able to maintain 4 jobs just so she could save up money to sail to the new world. She also had a little more money to be able to by an acre of land when she arrived.
(Y/N) even worked on her accent, so it would be easier to be recognized as an American citizen than a immigrant. She recently sent a letter to a land owner who was willing to sell some land to her, which was difficult to do, especially since she was a woman. She held the address in a letter that was located in her pocket.

The sudden jolt of the boat crashing into the docks made (Y/N) jump. The dress she was wearing provided no warmth, so she huddled together to protect herself from the cold, winter wind.

"Everyone off!" A young gentleman yelled as everyone started to crowd around the edge of the ship, hoping to be the first to step on American soil.

(Y/N) grabbed her bags that were located at her sides and made her way over. A young man helped her down the old wooden boat, as she clenched her fists, the fear of a new life now frightening her.

She made it to the small town that reeked of horse manure and alcohol. Men and women lined the streets, but there weren't many children to see, which surprised her considering the fact that there were orphaned children freckled all around Colombia.

(Y/N) walked through the streets of the town, just to take in all the sights of the city, until she found her way in front of a bar that was producing soft music. (Y/N) was never a drinker, but how she loved music. The noise was overcoming her and she managed to make her way into the bar.

The bar was maybe half full of men and women drinking away, but then she spotted a young woman playing the piano in the corner. She pushed her way through the sea of people and taped the girl on the shoulder. She stopped playing the piano and looked at (Y/N) with a smile.

"How may I help you miss?" She asked while getting out of the chair. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stop you. I just really enjoy the-" "Do you play?" She interrupted as she motioned her to sit at the piano chair. "Yes, I do, but I don't want to intrude." (Y/N) said sympathetically, for she hated to be the one to stop such beautiful music. "You can play if you'd like. I'm just a bartender. I just do this to get away from my lousy job. It's free to the public, but nobody in this town plays the piano, except me." She said with a smile.

"Thank you." (Y/N) replied, as she sat down in the chair and stretched out her fingers. "What's your name? Mine is Deana." The woman asked before walking away. "(Y/N). My name is (Y/N) (L/N)." She answered. Just then a group of 4 men came in, laughing.

(Y/N) ignored it and started to play. Her fingers glided over each key, making a soft melody surround the bar. The yelling and talking started to quiet down a little, but not much.

After (Y/N) finished, a light clapping started. When she tuned around, she spotted the group of men that just came in sitting at a table clapping and smiling. She gave a curtsy and smiled. She walked away from the piano and found Deana pouring a drink for an already drunk man. (Y/N) gave a wave to her to say thank you.

Just as (Y/N) was about to leave the bar, a hand grabbed her arm. She was forced to turn around to face a short man with dark brown hair tied into a ponytail. His brown eyes seemed it would lead into a sea of power and determination. He was one of the men from the group earlier.

"Um.... hi." He spoke quietly while his cheeks started to turn red. (Y/N) looked over the man's shoulder and saw 3 guys, who seemed to be his friends, cheering and clapping.

"Hello.... can I help you?" (Y/N) asked as she started to fiddle with her hair. Her cheeks started to fill with a crimson color, as she looked down to hide from his gaze. "No.... I just.... really liked your piano playing." He answered, while he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

(Y/N)'s palms began to sweat as she steeped out of the bar into the sunlight. "Thank you. I must go now, I have to get myself situated in this town before the sun goes down." She said while tuning away from the man. "Wait! What's your name?" The man asked while walking out of the bar to follow her. "(Y/N) (L/N)." She answered while walking into the dirt sidewalk.

"Can I escort you home?" The man asked while running to her side. Butterflies filled her stomach as his hand brushed up against hers. "I don't even know your name." (Y/N) said with a smile. "Alexander Hamilton." He said slyly, as he took her hand and kissed it gently. A shock of pleasure wrapped around the young woman's body as she smiled.

"Now, can I write to you?" He said with a smirk. (Y/N) took the letter containing the address and opened it. She ripped out the part containing the numbers and handed the little slip of paper to Alex. "I can't wait to receive your letter." She applied before walking off into the opposite direction. She could hear the sounds of enjoyment coming from Alex as she watched the sun slowly sink into the horizon.

"Wait..... What was my address again?"

Ok, so yah. I'm taking suggestions and stuff.... YEEEEE!

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