Hamilton x reader- The Escape

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I guess I'm doing another Hamilton x reader.

Words: 1600
Warnings: weird point of view changes
Add on: I'm just making up dates because I'm too lazy to research. And Eliza doesn't fall for Alex in this, same with Angelica.

How did (Y/N) get herself into this mess? First, she dressed up as a man and joined the army in Maryland, just so she could prove her dad a point when he said woman were only used to bare children and take care of them. Second, she became the most quiet and left out soldier that no one would even notice if she was gone. Third she got herself captured by British troops at the battle in Savanah, Georgia.

So there (Y/N) was, behind metal bars that let her only view a brick wall and passing guards every hour. The cramped cell had a small window, barricaded by bars, so high up on the wall she was not even able to peer out of it. There was a small cot in the corner that reeked of blood and sweat. There was little light in the cell. Occasionally on bright days the sun's rays would shine through the window displaying shadows of lines on the cement floor.

The British found out (Y/N) was a woman right after they captured her. They didn't care though, and even if they still thought she was a man, it wouldn't make a difference. They still gave her moldy bread to eat and water that was filled with worms. Except, they gave her a raggedy dress to wear instead of the prisoners outfits. Her hair also was not allowed to be cut off like the other prisoners as well, so she wasn't mistaken as a male.

"Hey, are you still trying to look out that window? When will you get it in your small little brain that you're too short." A voice echoed throughout the cell, interrupting
(Y/N)'s thoughts. She was standing on her tippy toes, still trying to peer out the window after her many failed attempts. She could tell it was dark outside from the lack of shadows implemented in the walls. "Ya know, I don't really understand why we didn't cut your hair off. General Archibald Campbell sure does want to keep girls pretty, don't ya think. I think he's planing on making you a prostitute."

(Y/N) froze at that word, but she didn't dare to look back at the red coat who was playing around with her. She continued to look at the wall to try to hold back tears. "Look at me you little monster!" The red coat yelled angrily as she heard him grip the bars tightly. (Y/N) started to shake with fear knowing that if she didn't turn around, they would easily punish her with so much force she would break.

Slowly and carefully she turned around to face the red coat on the opposite side of the bars. The dress she was wearing was torn and dirty, revealing all the scars the British left on her; even the one on her shoulder, which was given to her by the one and only General Archibald Campbell when she was first captured. Her (H/C) hair was drenched in sweat, due to the lack of fresh air and immense heat that always put pressure on the young woman.

"Wow, you're disgusting. 10 minuets till the candles will be burnt out!" The red coat yelled, as the echo soared down the hallway alerting all the other prisoners locked up. He walked off, his long blond hair tied into a ponytail swaying with him while he went. (Y/N) let out a sigh and walked over to the bars that were restricting her from life. She gripped onto them and sank down to her knees. She bit her lip while trying to hold back tears that were coming harder now.

She leaned to the side and rested herself against the cold cement wall. She closed her eyes and relaxed herself, while aiming to block out the sounds of whimpers and screams from the other prisoners.

"Be quiet, the canons are down this hall." A voice whispered, as (Y/N) listened intently. She felt herself in the same position she fell asleep in; her head leaning against the metal bars as her side lay pressed up against the wall. She sat there motionless, not opening her eyes for the fear of getting caught listening. "Come on Alex, it's down this hall." A deep voice said as footsteps were getting closer to the young woman.

A small tinker of light appeared on (Y/N)'s eye lids, which made her squint, for the sudden appearance of light in a dark hallway surprised her. Another set of footsteps came up quickly behind the other set.

"Hercules, can you please go a little faster. This place is filled with our soldiers who were captured in battle. I already feel enough pity so if we go any slower I feel that I would break of guilt." A soft voice whispered with fear quivering in it. (Y/N) wanted to ask for help so badly from them, but the man, who was presumably named Alex, said that he wasn't stopping to help any soldiers. Her stomach dropped when she thought that she would probably be stuck here forever.

"Wait, Hercules. There's a girl here." Alex mumbled while he approached the woman. He bent down so close to (Y/N) that his warm breath brushed up against her face. "You just said we're not helping any soldiers. We came here for the canons." The other man, who was named Hercules, said while being noticeably annoyed.

(Y/N) didn't dare to make a sound. She sat there with her eyes closed listening to the men talk. She prayed that they would take her, take her back to one of the American camps where she will be safe. "Yah, I know but she is probably a nurse from one of the camps in Maryland. She didn't deserve this. We could use another nurse in our camp anyway." Alex said sympathetically while he stood up from his position on the floor.

A moment of silence filled the air, as if to show that Hercules was thinking about what he should do. A exasperated sigh was heard from him as footsteps came towards the door of the cell. A loud clang of metal was heard and chains were tossed to the floor. "You're carrying her Alex, just so you know." Hercules said while he opened the door.

(Y/N) was still on the floor, pretending she was asleep as warm hands wrapped around her frail body. She was lifted up carefully and held close by someone, who was most likely Alex. She pretended to stir so she would look presumably asleep. "You got her? I'll go get the canons. Wait by the horses outside of this British camp. I'll be there soon." Hercules whispered as loud footsteps were heard running in the opposite direction, the light following him as he went. (Y/N) smiled, knowing that she will be okay. The soft and gentle hands wrapped around her made it easy to drift off to sleep again.

Alex held the woman tight, as if to say she would be okay. As he walked with her past the other prisoners, guilt sat in his stomach. But he couldn't set them free, he will easily get caught. He didn't want the woman he was holding to get hurt because of him.

But then something caught his eye on the cement wall. A small object was glimmering in the dim moonlight that shined through small open windows that lined the hallway. It was a key hanging by a hook. Alex slipped it off with his free hand and walked up to one of the prison cells that held a skinny man that looked as if he hadn't eaten in weeks.

The prisoner was laying on a small, moldy cot on the floor. He immediately woke up when Alex tossed the keys into the cell. "Escape in the morning when there are little, to no guards." Alex whispered with a stern face to show that he was serious. The prisoner became overjoyed as he took the keys off the floor and fiddled with them in his hands. "Thank you. Is that (Y/N) in your hands?" He said while pointing to the young woman.

Alex became surprised at the fact that the prisoner knew her. "Do you know her? Why is she here?" Alex asked quickly, clutching the woman tighter in his arms. The prisoner let out a chuckle and fixed his position on the cot.

"She was a soldier in Maryland. She dressed up as a man so she could join the army. She was in my camp, so I know her from there. She was so quiet, so no one really paid attention to her. We were sent to Georgia with a couple hundred other soldiers. We all fought well, but most of us were captured by the British, including her." The prisoner paused for a moment. Alex almost dropped (Y/N) out of surprise. His mouth gaped open as he looked at the women with wide eyes.

"I was there when General Archibald Campbell gabbed her by the hair and threw her to the ground when we first arrived at this British camp. He announced in front of everyone that she was a woman. I felt bad for her. Everyone did. Even if you looked close enough you could even see that the British troops felt some type of guilt towards the girl." The prisoner finished while laying back down on the bed. He left Alex in silence. He was left thinking about what the prisoner just said. He was only able to squeak out one sentence before he turned on his heel and ran out of the British camp:

"I think I'm in love."
I have to do a part 2 now!!! Ughhhhh!
Oh well, I have a really good kissing scene ready.

Holy shit I'm weird

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