Hurcules x reader- The Seamstress (pt. 2)

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Why do I make these so long!

Warnings: fights!
Add on: I need a life
This is for my friend because she reads my stories: Zainny, I swear to god. If u kink shame me I'm going to fight you.

(Y/N) was in her Grandfathers living room, sewing a dress out of boredom. After the months she has been here, she has grown close to the little town. She even met the little boys that ran up and down the streets, just like the boys from her town. One boy really stood out; his name was Kevin. When ever she saw him in the street playing with sticks, he'd ask her for sewing lessons so he could make a dress for his little sister.

Of course, (Y/N) agreed and he was supposed to come over later in the day. Therefore, she was sewing a dress to pass the time. Until someone thought it would be funny to play a little trick on her.

"Brah!" (Y/N) let out a shriek if terror at the sudden sound. She dropped her the dress she was sewing, along with the needle and thread. She turned around to see Hercules on the floor laughing at what he just did. "Not funny!" She shouted through gritted teeth. (Y/N) and Hercules became close throughout the months, she even met some of his friends. Even one named John Laurens that always asked for a dress when she met him.

(Y/N) got on the floor and picked up the dress, and also started to look for the needle. "Here, I have it." Hercules said with a chuckle as he handed her the needle. As she was about to forcefully take it out of his hand, a jolt of electricity zapped throughout her body leaving her motionless. Hercules felt the same thing, so his hand was kept right on (Y/N)'s. Their eyes locked and they both seemed to be in a trance.

"Um... I have to get ready.  Kevin is coming over." (Y/N) spoke quietly while breaking the silence. She got up from her position on the floor and sat back down on her chair. "Aww, come on! I was going to invite you to come drink with me and my friends tonight!" He whined as he sat on the chair across from her. "Another night. And I told you yesterday that I'm trying to focus more on my work than drinking." (Y/N) answered as she rolled her eyes to the floor.

"Fine, I'll leave." Hercules said with a sigh while walking to the front door. As he opened it, there stood a little boy with brown hair and bright green eyes. "Hey Kevin! Come and sit down." (Y/N) shouted with a smile as she motioned him to sit on the couch. He let out a loud cough before running past Hercules towards her. The front door slammed shut leaving the both of them alone.

Just as the young woman was about halfway through the lesson, Kevin started to cough up blood. "Kevin! Oh my lord! Let's get you home." She shouted with fear as she half carried the boy out of the house.

When she arrived at Kevin's house, which was small and uncared for, a little girl answered the door.  She resembled Kevin in so many ways: to the black hair, skinny build, and the bright eyes they both shared.  "Go get your mother!"  (Y/N) asked quickly and out of breath.  The little girl did as she was told and brought back a woman that had gleaming black hair and green eyes, just like Kevin.

"Oh my!  What happened?"  She shrieked as she took the almost limp boy out of (Y/N)'s arms.  "I don't know.  I was giving him a sewing lesson and then he started coughing blood."  She said while wiping the sweat off her forehead.

"Thank you for bringing him here.  I will fetch a doctor and bring him to bed." The woman said while turning around with the boy in her arms, leaving the little girl at the door. (Y/N) bent down so she was eye level with the girl. "Take care of him, okay?" She spoke quietly with a smile as she pushed a free strand of hair behind the girl's ear playfully. The little girl giggled and nodded her head. (Y/N) stood up and shut the front door so she was left outside alone, worrying about Kevin.

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