John Laurnes x reader- The fallen (pt. 2)

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I was listening to dear Evan Hansen and I think I'm obsessed with the song sincerely me.....
Words: 1010
Warnings: the fucking feels man! A little of Smut....
Add on: Martha Laurens was John'a sister.  She didn't paint, but I just said that she did to make it cute.  (She was actually a writer)

"Is she going to be alright?" A masculine voice echoes throughout (Y/N)'s head, but she is unable to move or open her eyes. She seemed to be glued to the warm bed she was on.  "She is going to be fine General. The procedures were a success, we just have to wait and see when she wakes up." A feminine voice says while (Y/N) listens intently.

"Does.... does Washington know?"  The man's voice says with fear present in it.  "I had to tell him.  It's part of my job to state the status of injured soldiers." The girl's voice answers, leaving silence to fill the area.

"What is he going to do?" The man's voice asks worryingly. "What is there to do? Washington now knows that there was a girl fighting in war all this time. The war is over and soldiers are going back to their families. The tents are going to be taken down soon, this one too. Hopefully she wakes up soon because I don't know where to put her." The feminine voice answers sadly.

"She can stay with me. My Father, Mother, and sister are still in New York discussing the maters of the war, which leaves the house empty. If she doesn't wake up by the time the tents get taken down, she's welcome in my home." The masculine voice says. (Y/N) struggles a bit more in trying to open her eyes to figure out who this man is, and where he was taking her.

"That sounds like a plan. Thank you General Laurens." It's John! Why is John being so kind to me all of a sudden? (Y/N) thinks to herself, for she didn't understand why John would be so nice. She thought he would be mad at her for lying to him. "Also, how are you holding up on this information? You know, that she is a girl." The girl asks. A chuckle is heard from John as he taps his foot embarrassingly on the ground. "How do you think I'm holding up? My best friend just became the love of my life...."

(Y/N) slowly opened her eyes to dim candle light.  She was relieved to be able to wake up with ease unlike last time.  "Oh my.... last time."  She mumbled to herself as she sat up from the bed.  Thoughts flooded into her mind as she focused so much on what John had said, and not on where she was. 

When she finally realized that she wasn't in a tent, she let out a small gasp of surprise.  She was in a small room that was a painted a light crimson color.  She was shocked to see beautiful paintings scattered around the room, each one containing the signature "Martha Laurens."  (Y/N) looked down at herself and was relieved to see that she was in a white nightgown that smelt of oil and paint.  She let out a sigh as she escaped the sea of covers she was once drowned in.

She jumped as her feet touched the icy floor.  (Y/N) walked around the small room examining each painting with a careful eye.  They were so elegant, each person on the painting seemed to dance in the light. 

"Looks like you found my sisters paintings."  A voice said jokingly which made (Y/N) gasp at the sudden sound.  She was relieved to see John standing at the door with his arms crossed and smiling.  "Sorry...."  She manages to squeak out while looking to the ground with embarrassment.  Her cheeks started to heat up as the two were left in awkward silence.

"Did you just wake up?  It's very late."  John said while uncrossing his arms and walking closer to the girl.  He seemed very tired; dark circles were present under his eyes. She stood there motionless, seeing that he was coming closer very slowly. She looked out the window that was behind her and was surprised to see twilight. She quickly looked back to the ground out of utter humiliation. "Yah..... um...... I heard what you said.... about me being your best friend than the love of your life."  (Y/N) whispered quietly, her whole face turned an even darker red.  She took a deep breath and looked up from the floor to see John with his mouth wide open.

He then started to laugh out of nowhere. He sat down onto the bed and laughed some more, placing his head into his hands.  (Y/N) couldn't help herself, but she released a small giggle that echoed throughout the room.

She sat down next to John on the bed and continued to laugh with him. All of a sudden the laughing stopped, and silence surrounded the both of them. John looked up from his hands and gazed into (Y/N)'s eyes, as she did the same. They both seemed to crave each other, for there movements became harder to control.

There was no pause, no slow approach. John moved in, and his mouth consumed (Y/N)'s. He tasted like alcohol and lime...and something sweeter. His tongue swept out against her lips and she let him in, begged him in. He filled her mouth, stroking the most sensitive spots and retreating only to return. She couldn't hold back the moan that escaped as his mouth slanted over hers again. (Y/N) arched into him, bringing her arms around his neck, laying her chest against his as he made a sound like a growl. It was a heady feeling, that power that came from John. The fast changes between tongue and teeth gave them both a sensation of passion and desperation.

The moment seemed to last for hours, until (Y/N) pulled away and gazed into John's deep chocolate eyes. There breaths were panting heavily as condensation trickled out of there mouths. John flashed a cheeky grin at her and whispered one sentence that sent chills down her spine:

"Thank you for saving my life."
Holy...... holy shit dude.

Sorry! I'm too innocent for smut. I don't even think I could do smut if I wanted to.

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