Philip x reader- John's daughter (pt. 2)

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This is it guys!  Enjoy the last chapter!

Words: 1950 (shiz)
Warning: I don't wanna do smut, but I will if I have to. (Jkjkjk, no smut ~wink~)
Add on: still screwing up the timeline. ~awkward finger guns~

"Come on (Y/N)!  We're going to be late!  And you know what Mother is going to say: 'It will be horrid if we show up after sundown.'"  Elenor said with a giggle, as she mocked her Mother's southern accent.

"I'll be right there."  (Y/N) called into the hallway.  She watched her younger cousin, Martha, run down the hall with a light green dress on, copying her older sisters style of walking. 

(Y/N) chuckled at the sight as she poked her head back into her bedroom to finish dressing herself.  She pulled on a blue dress made of ivory and silk that was lightly fitted over her curves.  It wasn't as big as Elenor's, but they were just visiting the Hamilton's.  She thought it wasn't a big deal, but her Aunt and Uncle thought otherwise.

"You haven't seen them in ten years!"  Her Aunt Martha would cry.  "I think they like not seeing me.  I remind them of my Father anyway!"  She would yell back, making her Aunt quiet.  Just when (Y/N) was about to walk away, her Aunt would always throw in the same comment.  "But you are still writing to that Philip boy!"

It was true.  She still wrote to him often, but mostly in a friendly kind of way.  There was never a comma after 'dearest', and never a 'love Philip' at the end; always a 'Yours truly, Philip' written.

(Y/N) shocked herself back into realization as she finished dressing; she admired herself in the mirror.  She did look nice, and maybe even approachable.  A knock came from the door, and (Y/N) turned around quickly to find little baby James toddling over to her in a onesie.  She scooped him up and smiled.

"How'd you get out of your crib again?"
The carriage ride was long and boring. Tension during the ride was present, for everyone knew that (Y/N) was John's only daughter, and she reminded everyone of him.  She looked out the window and admired the sun setting against the cotton candy colored sky.

"(Y/N)?"  Uncle David said while breaking the silence, and also breaking her thoughts causing her to turn her head and look at him on the bench across from her riding backwards.  "You do know that you are...."  He paused as he looked at her and tapped his foot on the carriage floor nervously.  "You are John Laurens' child, and you also know that Mr. Hamilton had a close relationship with him as a young lad.  Last time we didn't affirm this information to you, so things got a.... a little messy."

"Really messy." Aunt Martha corrected him, making (Y/N) role her eyes at her. "Look
(Y/N), I love you so much. But sometimes, you need to know when to back out of something. You remember last time when you met Hercules Mulligan. That poor man almost fainted when he saw yo-" "Okay, I get it Aunt Martha." She interrupted, remembering when she met Hercules. He was so distraught when he met her that he almost fainted out of grief.

"It's been ten years Aunt Martha. I'm not a child!  I'll stay in the background if you want, but I'm not going to let my Father's past ruin my future anymore!" (Y/N) yelled, causing the whole carriage to go quiet.

"Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay, we are here."  Arthur said, pulling the carriage to stop in front of the wooden house (Y/N) remembered.  It didn't change at all, except for the fresh coating of paint on the hickory door.

(Y/N) didn't budge until everyone else got out of the carriage, leaving just her and Elenor in it.  "Did you hear the news?"  Elenor said, breaking the silence between them.  "What is it?"  (Y/N) asked with wide eyes, curious of the new gossip.

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