Hamilton x Reader- The Escape (Pt. 2)

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Just saying, I fucking love that picture^^

Words: the longest thing you will ever read (2226 words)
Warnings: lots of really cute fluff. *cough*  *cough*
Add on: Just got myself into the play Les Misérables..... I need help.

(Y/N) blinked her eyes open to see nurses running around. She adjusted to the light and could finally see that she was in a tent. She was in a medical tent. Cots lined the flaps and held men moaning in pain. She shivered at the sight and felt pity, but then let out a sigh of enjoyment, for she knew now that she was safe. She was laying in a cot that reeked of blood, but nevertheless, she lied back down into the covers to think of her new freedom.

She would most likely become a nurse, which didn't bother her too much, but she would rather fight instead. Just as (Y/N) was about to close her eyes, a young nurse approached her. She was not conspicuously tall, her features were striking but not conspicuously beautiful. Her hair was wiry and gingerish and brushed backward from the temples. Her skin seemed to be pulled backward from the nose.

"Hello miss, my name is Angeline." She said with a soft voice that sent chills down (Y/N)'s spine. "Um, hello." She squeaked out, her voice sounding more hoarse than expected. "I must get the General. He gave me the task to get him when you woke up." Angeline said with a smile as she turned on her heel and walked out of the tent.

As (Y/N) waited, nurses kept on looking at her in a peculiar way. It was if she was a laughing stock of the medical tent. The women who walked by her cot slowed down to stare at her, but continued to move fast after they passed.

Angeline came in the tent with a tall, man by her side. He walked towards her, leaving Angeline to scatter back into the crowd of nurses. The man seemed old by the way his stance was; slouched. But up close he looked younger. He had bright, dark eyes and satiny brown skin and stood hunched over with arms slightly extended to his sides, as if ready to take wing at the slightest sound. It's impossible not to think of a bird. "Hello." He paused to flash a cheeky grin at the young woman. "My name is Gorge Washington. You might know me as General Washington. I already know your name is (Y/N)." She jerked a little to hear a tough man speak with such a kind and gentle voice. "I heard of your accomplishments in the camp in Maryland."

Bloody hell. She thought as she straightened her stance on the bed. "I-I'm so-" "Don't bother." He interrupted, waving his hand in the air to silence her. "I think that was very brave of you. But, with a heavy heart, I will not be allowed to accept you into the army. You must work as a nurse."

(Y/N)'s heart dropped at the sound of her not being able to join the army. Of corse, she expected to become a nurse, but that was because she didn't want anyone to know her secret. Now everyone knows, and she wasn't allowed in the army. She clenched her fists in anger. "Why?" She asked George, trying not to appear as if she wanted to rip someone into pieces. He let out a sigh before answering. "I really thought it would be an experience to get a woman in the army. But my right-hand man, you might know him as Alex," Anger was boiling in (Y/N)'s veins. It was the knight in shining armor who saved her, but now he was becoming less of a hero.

"Said that it would be safer for a woman to stay in the camp. I agreed with him because I don't want you getting hurt." George said sympathetically as Angeline came up behind him with clothes in her hands. "Miss (Y/N), I have gotten you some clothes to change into. Do it quickly because we need your help." Angeline said while George smiled and walked out of the tent. (Y/N) let out a sigh and slipped the rags over her nightgown.

"Ok, I'm ready."

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