Lafayette x reader- Chocolate (Pt. 2)

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If I have to make a part 3, I swear to god I'm going to kill myself.

Words: 1700
Add on: what is life?

(Y/N)'s cheeks felt as if they were on fire as she approached the man laying on the bed. His eyes and forehead were covered by a damp cloth as his black curly hair was spread across the satin pillow. His dark skin shimmered in the light that was coming from the tent's cracks. "Hello General, what is the problem?" (Y/N) asked with a shaky voice.

"My leg was shot it battle." The General groaned, as he removed the cloth from his head. His eyes grew wide at the sight of the beautiful woman standing before him.

"I'll fix that right away." (Y/N) spoke as she walked towards the General. As she moved, she felt as if she wasn't in control of her body. Her hands moved with ease as they rolled up the pant leg revealing the wound. She pulled out a needle and thread from her pocket and got to work, not even understanding what she was doing. It just seemed right.

Awkward silence filled the air as (Y/N) stitched up the wound, hearing little groans of pain from the General every few moments. "What's your name mademoiselle?" The General remarked as he propped himself up on his shoulders. "(Y/N)." The woman answered, still focused intently on her job. Silence surrounded the two again as the General applied a face of sorrow, as if he was expecting something from the young woman in return.

"Aren't you going to ask for my name?" The General asked slyly as he flashed her a smile. (Y/N) looked up from her work for only a moment to see his face, and let out a chuckle at his foolish behavior. "I don't believe it's my position to ask that." She answered as she looked back down at his wounded leg. "Baise ça! My name is Marquis de Lafayette. But please call me Lafayette." He said as he leaned to take (Y/N)'s free hand. He grabbed it gently and kissed it with ease. The kiss sent chills down her spine, but she pushed the feeling away quickly and pulled back her hand from Lafayette's grasp.

"Quite a charmer, aren't we?" (Y/N) answered back quickly with a smile as she finished the last stitch on the wound. "Well, what should I say? I got to pay back the woman who saved my leg!" He exasperated with a laugh. (Y/N) couldn't help but to giggle along with him.

"Well, I'm done. You should be able to stand up freely." She said as she backed up out of the way for Lafayette to try and stand. He sat up and swung his legs beside the cot, and slowly stood up. He straightened his body and placed his hands on his hips to exaggerate the look he was aiming for. "I feel great!" He stated loudly as he started to jump up and down like a child. "Calm down! You mustn't tire out your leg. You need rest." (Y/N) said as she placed her hands on his shoulders to hold him down.

She looked up into his eyes, only for a split second. But she was able to catch his deep brown eyes that resembled a sea of passion and warmth. "I owe you one mademoiselle." Lafayette whispered gently with a smile when he noticed that she still had her hands on his shoulders. "How about you meet me at the hill on Tuesday night? I want to show you something." (Y/N) removed her hands rapidly and placed them at her sides. "I would lov-like that General Lafayette." She answered with a smile.

Lafayette then turned on his heel and walked out of the tent with a smile on his face. "Au revoir (Y/N)!" He called as the flaps of the tent fluttered behind him.

Just as (Y/N) was about to move, she became surrounded by darkness as it seemed to close in on her. She screamed for help, but just like last time, no one heard. Everything went black as the young woman tried to shield herself from the closeting walls.
(Y/N) inhaled the smell of oil as she opened her eyes slowly to find herself standing in the middle of a dark room. It was completely empty, and each step she took echoed throughout the walls.

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