Lafayette x reader- Chocolate

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I'm doing another Lafayette x reader story because I love David Diggs.

Words: 1200
Warnings: blood and french stuff
Add on: This is probably going to be a long one.....

"Wow. I just need to find a book about the founding fathers and there is nothing!" (Y/N) mumbled to herself, visibly annoyed at her problem. She walked along the long rows of the library, scanning the shelves each step she made. She was finding herself becoming very interested in the history of the American revolution and decided to get a book just to explore about it a little more.

"Ugh!  There is nothing!"  She groaned loudly, earning a gesture from the librarian to be quiet.  "Sorry..."  She whispered, as she checked her phone for the time.  As she pulled it out of her sweatshirt pocket, a pen fell out and rolled under the lower shelves.

(Y/N) let out a groan and got to her knees and reached her hand under the shelf, but instead of finding a pen, she felt a book.  She pulled it out and blew off the dust that accumulated it.  It had a blue cover with shiny gold letters.  It read: (Y/N) (L/N).  "That's my name."  She muttered to herself as she inspected the cover of the book.

She felt a strange urge to do something with it. A voice in her head kept on telling her to steal it. At first, (Y/N) tried to push it away, but it came back to her.  As if it was connected to her somehow, like there was a string pulling on her waist.

She took the book and tucked it under her arm, making sure to look left and right so no one would notice her.  She turned on her heel and ran towards the crisp glass doors of the library, revealing the town covered in a thin sleet of snow.

"Hey!"  The librarian shouted as the young woman kept on running and not looking back.  "You have to check that out miss!"  (Y/N) pushed the glass door open and ran quickly away from the library as the cold breeze smacked her in the face.  She could hear the faint yelling of the librarian telling her to come back as she got farther away from the library.

As (Y/N) ran across the street, a car almost hit her but stopped short so she could pass by.  She continued to run until she found a bench on the sidewalk.  She sat down and tried to calm her rapid breaths.

She let out a sigh as she removed the book from under her arm.  She slid her hand over the shiny italic letters sprawled across the cover.  The snow on the bench melted through her jeans making them wet, but she was to intrigued by the book to care.

She slowly and carefully opened the cover and there was nothing but a date and location spread onto the first page.  "Monday, June 29th, 1778.  Monmouth, New Jersey."  (Y/N) read out loud as her breath produced condensation in the air.

The ink from the letters than began to drip off the page.  The book seemed to be uncontrollable as it fell out of the young woman's hands.  Light was composing from the book as the pages started to flutter.  Liquid was dripping at (Y/N)'s fingertips, and when she looked down at her hands they were turning into ink.  She shrieked in fear and desperately looked around for help, but the streets were bare.

"Help!"  Was the last word she screamed before she was drowned in ink and sucked into the book.

"(Y/N)!  Get your head out of your ass and work!" An old croaky voice yelled as (Y/N) blinked her eyes open to find herself in a large tent surrounded by wounded soldiers. She was sitting in a wooden chair and immediately got up when a soldier groaned for her name. Blood was splattered on the white dress she had on, which made her scrunch up her nose in disgust. The tent was crowded with nurses scurrying around like little mice, each one having to do something or go somewhere.

"Miss, please help....." A soldier moaned quietly on a small cot as she walked over to inspect the situation. She didn't know anything about the medical industry, but she felt an instinct run down her spine. As if she knew how to do anything that involved a body and some knives.

When she arrived at the side of the soldier's bed, another nurse came up from behind her. She had long black hair which was tied up into a bun, with deep blue eyes that anyone could get lost in.  She seemed too young to work here, but it didn't seem to matter to anyone because every nurse seemed young.  Except for one that looked old enough to be a grandmother in the corner of the tent talking to a younger nurse. "(Y/N), Marcy wants you." The nurse said while placing a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

"Which one is Marcy?" (Y/N) asked, being flustered on how she didn't know someone that she should have. The young nurse let out a small chuckle as she placed a hand over her mouth to cover it. "Have you lost your mind? She's over there! She's your boss just so you know. I think this work has gotten you stressed out." She said as she pointed over to the older nurse (Y/N) noticed earlier.

"Oh! Sorry, I guess I'm under too much stress..." (Y/N) answered while walking away from the young nurse's grasp. As she walked towards the older nurse, she couldn't help but to peer over the other nurses shoulders to see what they were doing. Some of them where sewing together wounds, while others were doing........ not so great stuff.

"Ah! (Y/N), our best nurse. We have a general that just came in with a gun wound. Can you fix it?"  The same voice that (Y/N) heard earlier said.  As she turned around, she saw Marcy walking towards her.  She had shot gray hair and green eyes, which still had a bright pigment despite her age.

"Sure..... where is he?"  (Y/N) asked as she was dragged out of the tent by Marcy.  The camp she was at seemed to be completely empty, but that was most likely because so many of the soldiers were wounded and in the medical tent.  "Because he is a general, he deserves his own tent and best nurse."  She answered with a smile, as (Y/N) felt addle at the fact that she was considered one of the best nurses even though she knew nothing at all. 

"Thank you."  (Y/N) replied as she was brought to a small tent not far from the large one.  The young nurse looked to Marcy, as she was gestured by her to step inside.  She did as she was told, and got an aroma of alcohol and blood as the flaps of the tent closed behind her.

"Well well well, isn't this beauté.  L'infirmière has arrived!"
Lafayette didn't even appear in this until the end.  GOD DAMN IT!  I have to make a part 2 now!  Ughhhhhh!

French translations:
Beauté- Lovely
L'infirmière- the nurse

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