Philip x reader- John's daughter

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Words: 1750
Warnings: Fluff
Add on: In real history, John had a daughter named Frances. In this shot, you are taking her place as John's child.  I'm kinda just screwing up the timeline.

"Do I have to go?"

Little eight year old (Y/N) choked up. Dried tears stained her cheeks as her glossy eyes started to become swollen with red. She looked up to her uncle that stood in front of her.

He was a tall man with powerful shoulders, a fierce dark face, a mountain of black curly hair, and eyes that seemed to flash and glitter with power. It was a face to be dominated by, or to fight: never a face to patronize or pity. All his movements were always large and perfectly balanced, like those of a wild animal, and when he stood over the young girl, he seemed to be a wild animal held in a cage too small for it. Nevertheless, he always seemed to make (Y/N) laugh when he came over to visit her and her mother. Well, when her mother was alive.

It's been three months since she died, and
(Y/N) has been living with her uncle since then. But of course, he has a family and was not able to hold her for much longer.

"(Y/N), listen to me."  He said softly, while he got on his knees to be at eye level with her.  He took his hand and gently brushed it against her cheek to wipe away the free tears.  "You will be fine.  Your Aunt Martha will be waiting for you in America." 

(Y/N) took a deep breath and jumped into her uncle's arms.  "I love you uncle Lafayette."  She whispered into his ear.  "Je t'aime aussi."  He whispered back before pulling away.  "Now go onto the boat."

(Y/N) turned around to face the large wooden boat sitting at the docks.  A small crowd was gathered around it and were starting to get on.  She grabbed the bags at her sides and walked over to the boat.

As she stepped up onto the old wooden ship, she turned around to face her uncle and the country of France one last time.  She smiled and waved, as he did the same towards her.  She relaxed a little and tried to enjoy the smell of alcohol, and the sounds of men, women, and children run around on the deck.

A month of the boat swaying back and forth made (Y/N) feel sick.  When ever the boat hit a wave, her stomach clenched with fear and regurgitation.  Nevertheless, she was forced to get used to it, there was nowhere else she could go.

She stood at the edge of the ship, watching the new world unfold.  The salty sea was intoxicating her nose.  She scrunched it up in disgust.  In France, the smell of fresh baked bread and sugary treats lined the streets, not salt and beer.

As the boat crashed into the sand, people pushed their way though so they can be the first to step on land.  (Y/N) grabbed the bags at her sides and pushed her way through the crowds of people, which was not difficult to do because of her size.

A cold finger ran down her back as she walked down the wooden ramp.  Crowds of people started to push their way through, making the little girl get cold with fear. Just as she was about to cry, a hand grabbed her wrist, and she was yanked out of the crowd into a small clearing. "Are you (Y/N), sweetie?"

She looked up and saw a tall woman with delicate brown hair pulled into a bun, and a bright blue bonnet to complete the look.  Her soft brown eyes gave her a kind appearance, but the dress she wore made her seem that she was Mrs. Perfect, with its dark blue silk and white outlines.  Her nose was big, which reminded (Y/N) of Lafayette.  The thought made her face drop, for she knew that she would probably never see him again.

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