Zombified Love (pt. 2)

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"They're approaching. Quickly," Kirstie whispered. Mitch held his breath in anticipation, but the only condolence he had was the fact that the kids had gone to a safe center, and they were, well, safe. After taking them to the safe center, they'd been told that there just wasn't enough room for them and 5 kids. To keep the children safe, they had decided to leave. It had suddenly dawned on them, as they walked closer downtown, that they had made the wrong decision. Because coming from up north, was a whole gigantic group of zombies who seemed to be on a rampage. 

Mitch was not expecting to come out alive, no matter how much Kirstie tried to convince him otherwise.

They were sittng behind a mound of crashed cars, where they had decided to hide out after running for what had seemed like forever to Mitch. It was only then that Kirstie had realized they were running right towards the disastrous reality of zombies that neither Kirstie nor Mitch cared to explore. It was too late for them to turn back, because it seemed like they were appearing out of nowhere. They might as well have been hiding, awaiting two unfortunate souls that would just happen to stumble upon them.

They must be pretty clever, considering they have no brains, Mitch thought. He wasn't ready to die. He just was not.

"Mitch, we need to get out of here," Kirstie said. She stood up from her crouched stance on the ground, turning to him unexpectedly. 

"Where do you think we should go?!" Mitch exclaimed. "We're about to fucking die."

"Okay, look. They're not coming from over there," She said, gesturing towards Mitch's right. "We'll run over there, and then split up. Meet me at the dumpster, alright?" Mitch quickly began shaing his head.

"No, Kirstie. I can't leave you. I don't wanna lose you," Mitch said desperately.

"Mitch, please, just do as I say. I promise I'll be safe," She said.She turned slightly, and a marred bloody hand swiped at her. 

"Run!" She screamed, and took off, Mitch a few inches behind her, They ran quickly, eager to escape the supernatural monsters behind them. They reached the crossroads, and exchanging a quick hug, they went their seperate ways.


Mitch looked behind the wall again, breathing heavily. He felt as if he was being watched, and it made him uncomfortable. He had arrived at the dumpster in the alley, where kirstie had told him to go, but much to his surprise she hadn't been there when he had arrived. He felt jumpy, as if something bad was about to happen.

He heard the crunching of gravel, as if someone was walking. That must be Kirstie, He thought, sighing heavily. As he saw the figure approach him, his breathing quickened. The person, was not Kirstie. It was a zombie. And that zombie happened to be none other than Scott Hoying.

Mitch jumped up, backing up quickly. His back hit the wall, and he stared in terror as the creature approached him. He recognized Scott, from the blonde hair which was matted down. His clothes was torn up, but it was the same tall figure. He was ghostly and pale, and his lips were a dark purple nearly black. 

"S-scott?" Mitch asked his ex best friend in front of him. Scott said nothing and continued to approach him slowly.

"Scott. Stop," Mitch insisted, hoping he would listen. He couldn't bear to be eaten, and certainly not by his undead best friend.

"Scott, please, don't turn me into a zombie," Mitch pleaded. Scott stumbled to the right and looked up at Mitch almost sheepishly. He shook his head in a quick jerking motion. Mitch blinked in confusion.

"Scott, do you know who I am? Do you remember me?" Mitch asked. Scott stood there immobile, and suddenly nodded.

"Can you help me find Kirstie?" Mitch asked. Scott looked at him blankly. Mitch took out his phone, and to his surprise, it was at 94%. He'd expected it to die. He clicked the home button, smiling at the lock screen of himself and his two best friends. He held it up for Scott to see, and Scott studied the phone closely. He shook his head.

"Scott.. is Kirstie dead?' Mitch whispered. Scott did nothing, instead turned around and began limping away. 

He turned around, and with his hand gestured Mitch forward. Mitch quickly walked to him, curious about what Scott had to show him. Scott lead him at least one block away and Mitch was getting annoyed. They arrived at the edge of the block, and there was a whole line of trash cans there. Kirstie was sitting in front of them, sitting cross legged,

"Kirstie!" Mitch exclaimed,

"Mitch! Scott! Wait. Scott?" She said, gaping at the lifeless figure in front of her. He looked at her, saying nothing.

"He led me to you," Mitch explained. Kirstie nodded, but she was skeptical. He was a monster. He could turn on them at any time.


 "Scott, stop! You can't hurt me. Y- you wouldn't" Mitch said, trying to sound fearless. He was on the ground, where Scott had pushed him. He knew Scott was a zombie. He knew he was a monster, but he had hoped that the old Scott was still in there, and he hoped that he could save him. He wanted Scott back.

Scott was approaching him slowly, and Mitch was scared out of his mind. 

"Scott stop, please listen to me," Mitch said he held his hand up, motioning for Scott to stop walking. To his surprise, Scott stopped walking and looked at him with dead eyes.

"Scott.. I know you probably don't understand me or probably don't care, but I love you. I just need you to know, and I want you to be aware of it before you kill me. When you didn't come back this morning, I was heartbroken. I love you," Mitch said, and hot salty tears were running down his face. Suddenly, Scott stepped forward and stiffly kneeled down. He extended one hand towards him and Mitch held his breath, terrified.

He stroked Mitch's face and wiped away a tear. "Scott?" Mitch choked out. Their eyes met, and something in Scott's gaze told him he was... safe.

I'm laughing this was so bad. I'm sorry I made you all wait so long for such a shitty one shot. I just wasn't feeling this prompt after I put up the first part, but I wasm't about to abandon my writing. I'll give something the best I can. I did the same with a Dan and Phil fanfic. I gave up after 7 chapters, and then it got deleted. I was not at all sad about it.

I'm gonna try to refrain from writing part twos to one shots unless you guys absolutely 100% want it.

Also my mom took my phone away so I'm sad

Byeee #fcute

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