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We finally arrived at the hospital and was asked to wait in the waiting room with all the other people. What we forgot was Jay had just got back from shift so of course he was still wearing his work stuff. He'd even managed to put the work shirt back on. Here I was going in a dressing gown, some PJ's and a pair of slippers. I grabbed Jay's hand because I got a contraction and I doubled over again. Jay had to hold me up.

"Excuse me? I need some help. We can't just sit here in the waiting room while she's in labour." Jay called.

"Go in front of all of us." This little group of people called.

"No that's not fair." I sighed.

"No it's fine. We know your both cops. We respect you." This man smiled.

"Thank you so much." I smiled. Jay shook his hand and then we got up and followed this nurse to the ward and we were finally admitted. Our part of the ward was cute, warm, the bed under the window, all the machines we needed on the wall and around. The little table next to the bed. Jay put all our stuff down, the car seat on the chair in the corner. I sat on the bed and all the normal stuff was taken, blood pressure, blood test and a urine test. I was given the physical examinations.

"Erin we've found the reason your in so much pain." The doctor smiled as he did a ultrasound scan.

"Is something wrong? Please don't tell me there's something wrong?" I sighed.

"No. Well not really. Your baby is breach. He's laying funny so we need to get him changed round to normal before you give birth. If he doesn't change round then we will need to make some choices. We have read your birth plan though so we have a good feeling of what we are doing today. We're not sure if you will give birth today but we are going to keep you admitted in here until you give birth because of baby being breach." He smiled.

"Okay great. So things are going well?"

"Things are going well. You just rest up. Move around, do what you want. Get comfy. Just call if you need anything." He smiled, Jay shook his hand and then Jay sat down on the bed with me and held my hand. He kissed my head and I just hugged him. I felt quite emotional with everything but I wasn't sure whether to cry or laugh. I just closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths and I felt good again.

* *


6 hours in labour and still my waters hadn't broken. I had just been relaxing, reading a book. Jay had a little sleep. Luckily he had today and tomorrow off so he didn't have to call in sick not that Hank would mind anyway. He just woke up as the soon come through the window onto my head. I put my hair up into a messy bun and smiled when he come over to me.

"How are you feeling?"

"Can you go and buy me a cup of tea and a sandwich please?" I smiled. I gave him my purse and he left with a smile.


I went out into the waiting room and queued at the small café in the corner. A man came up to me and patted my shoulder.

"How's your wife?" He smiled.

"Oh hello. Your the man who let us go in front of you? Yeah she's really well thank you. In labour." I laughed.

"Oh that's great. I'm glad she's doing well. Would it be okay if I come to see her with you when your finished?"

"That would be fine. I'm sure she'd like some more company." I smiled. I bought her a proper mug back, some tea bags, sugar and powder milk and bacon sandwiches. This followed me back there and she smiled when she saw us both.

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