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"I DON'T think she ran for the ship in the first place."

Newt's words practically ate Thomas alive. It's been a couple of weeks since both groups, along with Jorge and Brenda, were "rescued". Thomas had lost count of how long has it been. As far as he was aware, he'd been sulking and grieving for ages.

The stranger whom he had held at gunpoint was named David. He wouldn't turn the Berg around, claiming that it was against his orders and that she was dead.

Thomas refused to believe anybody's words, though. He knew he was in denial. But, it could be another one of WICKED'S deceitful plans, or possibly they had saved her and the others who didn't make it after Group A and B were saved. At this point in his life, or at least the life that he remembers, he didn't know who to trust and what to believe.

After they got off the Berg, different people in weird suits led them to their respective rooms. His room reminded him of when he first met Ratman. Everything is literally white - the bed and its sheets, the walls, ceiling and floor. The colour and its brightness hurt his eyes. Not to mention, there were no windows and the lights were never off. The only exceptions were an almost-stainless steel toilet in the corner and an old wooden desk.

Three times a day, random people would enter and give him his meal. Not that he had eaten much of it. The meal was always the same - slab of ham, mashed potatoes, raw carrots, a slice of bread and water. They have never spoken to him nor allowed anybody else in the room. They didn't even give him anything to entertain himself with. Now speaking of it, he doubted that he would even use any of it.

Thomas hadn't seen his friends since the rescue. What happened to them? Where were they? What has the Flare done to their minds? After everything they'd been subjected to, was this how it was going to end? But out of all of his friends, he mostly thought about her.

Everyone assumed she was dead. Everyone just let themselves believe it the moment those doors of the Berg closed. Thomas was the only one who didn't believe it. He honestly couldn't believe that Newt and Minho, along with Frypan and Teresa, actually went along with it. He couldn't blame them - after what had happened with Chuck and Alby, could he blame them for thinking so?

He seemed crazy over thinking she was still alive. Over the time he was stuck in the white room, slowly he believed that maybe she was gone. But no. He held on to that small hope he had left.

After a long time, Thomas sat up on his bed and let his legs touch the floor. His brown eyes stared blankly at the door in front of him, just a few metres away.

Thoughts of everything - his friends, her, WICKED, the Maze and Scorch- went through his mind. It gave him a headache. He just wished that door would open. Like literally open all the way. Not just that small slot on the bottom through which they slid his meals. He attempted countless of times to get that goddamn door open. No avail.

Eat. Sleep. Exercise - very little of it. Thirst for revenge. That was on his agenda for the next three days.

Three days later. The door opened.

[Written 17 February 2017]


Burnt; TDC ➵ Thomas [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now