7: I'm an Exorcist.

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My heart beat once, then twice before it fires. Spreading my cape I cover as many people as I can taking the full impact of the deadly akuma bullets. When it stops I drop to the ground in pain covered in those cursed stars. Bakugo, kirishima, Todoroki, uraraka and Midoriya all stood there shocked." Run, I can handle this." I say standing back up from the ground. The stars were already starting to disappear from my innocence purifying me.

Raising my hand I easily slice through it, successfully killing it and setting the tortured soul free.

Transforming I suddenly feel the pain in my chest making me double over. This pain its different then normal. Is my innocence trying to heal my stone. I couldn't move I felt trapped. The pain intensifies. My chest starts glowing a bright red while my right hand starts glowing a bright green.

I scream as the pain becomes unbearable. Blackness.

I wake up with a wince. The whole class was here. I was still in my exercising clothes. Where's my coat. Immediately I began looking for it. "Whoa whoa missy you need to rest. Your body's extremely exhausted right now." Chiyo says. I shake my head." I'm fine, I'll heal where's my clothes?" The ground parts to show uraraka with my clothes and boots. Timcampy say on the pile sleeping.  I sigh with relief taking the objects." Thank you uraraka." I tell her giving a smile."

"Silver we need to know what happened? What was that? Why did it attack you?" Kirishima and midoriya ask frantic. I sigh, I have to tell them, the Noah now know I'm alive. The akuma got a good look at me. Sighing again i nod." I'll tell you just let me shower and get dressed first." They nod all leaving the room. Immediately I go to the bathroom. I take a quick shower then get dressed. When I'm done I pull on my shirt, pants boots and coat.

This shouldn't be hard. I shouldn't be afraid to tell them this.  I should feel proud for what me and my comrades did. Yet why do I feel so scared? Is it because I took a likeing to them and I have a chance if of being rejected, outcasted, hunted.

I take my time walking to the classroom my heart beating faster with each step. When I walk in the whole class was sitting in their chairs patiently waiting even Bakugo. Aizawa was awake looking tired but interested.

Walking to the front. I felt like my heart was about to beat through my chest. Everybody's eyes were trained on me. Taking a deep breath i start.

"You all know the story of the war between exorcist and the Noah clan right?" They all nod,"well I was born during that time. I was gifted with the ability of innocence. I became an exorcist at a very young age unknowingly having been separated  from my twin." I stop waiting for the rude comments and outraged students, but when I see none I continue.

" I am an exorcist. I have been my whole life. Bakugo, uraraka, Todoroki kirishima, midoriya that thing you saw is what we call akuma. They are souls brought back to earth and trapped in a dead human body. They are made to do the bidding of the Noah clan, made by the millennium earl. It's our job to kill akuma setting their souls free and to kill the Noah clan. That thing saw me which means the Noah know I'm alive and will not stop till I'm dead. Until I know if quirks have any effect or can kill the akuma I am the only one who can kill them. I am the last exorcist in the world. This coat is one of the things I stand for. I am a member of the Black order and will be till the day I die. If you cant accept that then we're done here."

Silence, everybody looked shocked. I gulp but stand tall ready to fight if I need to. It seemed like forever before someone said oflr did anything. It's broken by uraraka standing running at me. I prepare to fight but am shocked when she ducks grabbing my waist hugging me. I'm so stunned that it takes me a minute before hugging back. She was short, and soft.

It's been a long time since anybody's hugged me, it felt nice. She pulls away a few minutes later tears were streaming down her face." What's the matter uraraka?" She shakes her head trying to wipe her tears away but it was futile as more leaked out." Silver nobody hates exorcists anymore. That's all in the past. Besides exorcists gave us quirks. You are our class mate and family. We accept you for you and whatever your going through we'll help you get through it." I smile laughing." That's the thing uraraka, now by staying here I would be putting you all in danger-"" I can take care of myself" Bakugo shouts p*****."

I'm not saying you can't take care of your selves but these are different then regular villans. For one unless you possess innocence you cannot destroy an akuma. Second if akumas bullets hit a human it causes an infection of dark matter in the body killing them. Those who possess innocence are able to be healed by it. You guys have quirks, it used to be innocence but over time its evolved so much and adapted to not having to fight akuma that I don't know if it will even have any effect on them anymore."

There's silence." What about that healing thing you did on my hands when I over used my quirk?" Bakugo asks." That's another story, you see I'm not just a human but also a homunculi and at one time a Noah." They stare at me wide eyed.

"You see I died, the Noah were experimenting on me with some mystery drug and it killed me. Well I didn't stay dead I came back but at a price. My soul was taken from me. I became what people from another world would be called homunculi. A being without a souls that relies on a philosopher stone to stay alive. A philosopher stone is made up of human souls, which is really messed up. Because it's in my body and I possess innocence they conflict with each other. My innocence is constantly try to purify the stone I should say. My innocence will no longer heal me personally unless I'm infected with dark matter. My innocence no longer really sees me as a being that follows God because of the stone and that i have no soul. But that's ok my Noah and homunculi side heal me. By combining the stone and my Noah powers together I'm able to heal myself or someone else. The down fall is depending on the injury it drains me. And if my stone dies I go back to being a helpless stoneless homunculi. When I'm like that I'm pretty much useless. I will constantly be weak nothing's able to sustain my body yet I can't die." The whole class stares at anything but me with a look of shock, pity and sadness. I should give them time to process everything. It's a lot to take in in one day.

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