36: Deku's Warning

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Getting home from school I immediately throw my bag on the floor plopping down on my bed. It wasn't that I was tired or anything. I'm just frustrated with everything that's been going on. Sighing slowly I drift off to sleep.

I'm awoken to my mom shaking me awake.

"GET UP YOU F*****!" I glare at her." WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT? CAN'T YOU SEE I'M SLEEPING?" Her face softens a bit." We have to go to the hospital." She says. I stare at her confused. What reason could we possibly have for going to the hospital? Nobody we know or care for is there.

"Why are we going to the hospital." She looks down, a few tears falling from her eyes. I sit up staring at her. Ok what ever the reason is it has to be important. I never see mom cry.

Scooting closer I pat her back." Um there, there its ok." I didn't really know what to do in this situation. This has never happened before. She wipes the tears from her face looking up.

"Katsuki, it's the Midoriya's. They were attacked a few hours ago. There both in the hospital and Izuku is on life support in critical condition.

I don't know why but in that moment chills ran through my body and my heart sank. Why was I feeling this way? I could care less for Izuku. It's not like we're friends any more. I broke that bond off years ago when I found out he was quirkless. I couldn't have anybody weak slowing me down on my path to becoming a hero.

But still, Izuku's hurt himself before, but to be in critical condition. Who attacked them? Was it villains? I swear I'll track them down and kill them.

Getting up I slip my shoes on. Mom gets up as Well. We both walk down stairs leaving getting in the car.

The trip to the hospital is short but agonizingly quiet and tense. I didn't know what to say. Mom probably didn't either. Why would someone want to attack the Midoriya's? There a very sweat family that I can promise has never done anything wrong. So why would someone attack them? It doesn't make any sense.

Getting to the hospital we park, then practically run inside. The front desk lady stares at us wide eyed." Can I help you?" Mom nods." Yes we're here to see the Midoriya's. We're the Bakugo family." The lady grabs a folder looking through some papers before nodding.

She does something on her computer printing some stickers out. She pulls them off." Here, keep these on your clothes where we can see them at all times. Mis Midoriya is in room B-153. Mr Midoriya is in room C-234."

Nodding I follow mom over to a elevator getting on." I'll go see inko, how about you go see Izuku. He could really use your support right now." I nod, I just didn't know what to say. Hours ago we were both sitting in class fine. It's shocking to think in that amount of time, midoriya was attacked and is in the hospital in series condition. Sighing mom gets off. I get off on my floor looking for the room.

Finding the room I take a breath opening it. Almost immedidiatly do i regret it though.

There on the bed lay what looks to be a half dead midoriya. The only thing that's reassuring me that he was still alive was the heart monitor. Walking closer I realize he really was lucky to be alive. Both of his arms and his left left leg were in casts. Bruises covered his face and the parts of skin I could see. Stitches lined multiple wounds.

Deku didn't look like Deku any more. He was so beat up and broken.

Me and midoriya may not be friends any more but that doesn't mean I like seeing people like this. Sighing I pull a seat up sitting down next to the bed.

I just started at Izuku with a frown." Get up Deku, how could you let someone harm you and your mother. I knew you were weak, but you didn't have to prove my point. Come on I know your stronger then this. Your the kid who single handily took down a zero pointer in the entrance exams. Granted you destroyed your body in the process but you passed with one of the best scores. Now Deku stop being a baby and get up. We both know your stronger then this." I say staring at him.

He was making me angry. When there's no reply or movement I sit back in my chair.

Suddenly he bolts up eyes wide. I fall back in my chair flipping over. Sitting up I glare at him." Dammit Deku, what the hell? That hurt." He suddenly looks over to me, eyes wide.

"K-k-kac-chan?" I still glare at him getting up." What do you want s***** Deku?"

I almost feel bad when he stares at me eyes filling with tears. He suddenly flings the covers off himself attempting to get up. He would of fallen if I hadn't rushed forward to catch him." Stupid, don't get up, your body's way to injured to be moving." He starts hyperventilating grabbing onto my top." Kac-chan y-you have to warn everybody. Every-everybody in class 1-A is in danger." My eyes widen.

"What the hell do you mean our class is in danger-?" My sentence is suddenly cut short as multiple nurse rush into the room pulling Izuku from me." Wait let him finish he was just about to tell me something." A male nurse shakes his head." Sir please leave the room, your friend risks more injuries if he doesn't calm down. I didn't want to admit it but he was right. Deku does need to calm down." WAIT NO, GET OFF ME, KACCHAN, WARN THEM. THERE COMING FOR EVERYONE. THEY WILL KILL Everybody!!"

He suddenly quiets down as a nurse pulls a needle from his arm." He plops down eyes dropping muttering the lines warn them.

Being pushed from the room I suddenly spot mom with inko in a wheel chair. She had tears running down her face. Mom bent down trying to comfort her.

Who was after class 1-A? Who was Deku trying to warn us from. Looking down i feel my pocket doing the only thing I can think to do at that moment. I pull out my cell phone and start dialing the only number I can think of.

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