16: Marry me

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She let's me go and I stand looking around. "Hello everybody its nice to see you again and for those who do not know who I am or I haven't met. I am silver Allen's twin." I say bowing. Shocked looks run through the room.

"Wait your the legendary silver. I don't believe it. You couldn't hurt a fly. Your far to skinny and probably weak." A man with blond hair says with a smirk. He looked to be in his late 20's and wore a wide grin on his face. I could tell by the sword at his side that he was an exorcist. A stupid one though." Hay cj maybe you shouldn't provoke her." One if his friends calls out. The man known as cj just laughs." No I want to see what's so special about this b****." He says making everyone around him step back. I wasn't offended. Ive been called worse. Smiling i walk over to him." Your names cj right?" He smirks." Yah what of it" "Do you like being an exorcist?" He stares at me confused not answering. But finally nods. Smirking, before he can move I unsheath his sword from his side placing it to his neck." Well cj one thing you should know about me is that I don't tolerate disrespect when i dont deserve it. Now if you enjoy being an exorcist and having innocence at your side never speak to me again and straighten yourself out. Your an exorcist, live up to the name." I say smirking. Stepping back I remove the sword placing it back in its sheath. Turning around I walk back over to kanda and Allen. He doesn't say anything.

I laugh eating a bowl of ramen. We were all eating dinner. We decided i would stay here tonight. I was going to go home then come back tomorrow but after I told everyone the Noah were alive and still making akuma. Allen got really protective and refused to let me leave. He locked the ark door.

I hope he knows that I still harbor the 14ths genes in me and could just unlock it myself but I'll listen to him and make him happy.

Focusing back on my bowl of ramen, I finish grabbing the next. Me and Allen were having a contest on who could eat the most. I was winning obviously.

"Allen its futile to keep trying to beat me. Tecnicaly I'm not alive so I can eat as much as I want.

He grins then groans. Looking over I see his stomach had expanded so much that his shirt looked as if it would bust.

"Ok I give" Allen says falling over. I laugh again getting up." Aww poor Allen ate too much. Just sleep it off I'll carry you to your room." H gives a little nod before falling asleep. I chuckle picking my brother up bridal style. It was quite funny because he was taller then me. That's actually one of the only way you can tell us apart. Turning around I see kanda smirking lavi was in tears laughing and a few other exorcists were dead laughing on the floor. Wonder what there laughing about?

"Does anyone know where Allen's house is?" Kanda nods." I'll show you." I smile following kanda out of the cafeteria to a small white house not to far away.

Kanda opens the door letting us inside. Looking around I walk to the first room I spot a plane room. At first I thought I was Allen's until I noticed my clothes sitting on the bed. Walking out i look in the second seeing it was Allen's. I lay him down on the bed, taking his shoes off. I cover him with his blanket. I silently leave the room not wanting to wake him.

I leave the house meeting kanda outside. He smiles." So kand-" im stunned as kanda slams his lips into mine pulling me close to him. He pulls away a few minutes later suddenly getting down on one knee." Silver, you make me the happiest man on this planet and I want to do the same to you. I love you with all my heart, something I haven't felt in this life time. Will you do me the honor of marrying me? I stand there shocked. Before bending down hugging him. A giant smile on my face with A few tears falling down." Yes kanda I will marry you. I love you so much. So yes. I'll do what ever I can to protect you. Even if it ment dying." I say clutching him tighter. I pull away smashing my lips into his.

He lifts us up pushing me against the wall all the while not pulling away. When he did pull away I smiled hoping down." I just hug him savoring kandas touch. I missed him so much." Hay kanda where am I going to sleep tonight?" I ask looking up. He grins before answering." With me of course." He says in a husky voice that made me want to melt. Damn this so wasn't like me. But I couldn't control myself around kanda. I'm so disappointed in myself.

Rolling my eyes i smile myself holding my arms up." Piggyback ride?" It's his turn to rolls his eyes but complies, turning around so I could jump up.

I do so with pleasure. He begins walking back to his house while I silently memorize the path. We stop in front of a plain white house that had the name kanda painted on the house. He pulls out some keys unlocking the door. He walks inside immediatly going to what I assume is his bedroom and dumps me on his neatly made bed. Well it was till I fell on it.

I laugh as kanda plops himself right next to me. I roll over snuggling into his side. I had a great day today. It was almost over whelmingly. The exorcists were alive except for a few. Kanda asked me to marry him." I smile closing my eyes." Good night kanda." I fall asleep to a soft good night. At that moment nothing could be more perfect.

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