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Turning around im surprised to suddenly be punched backwards. I fly back into the wall of the school busting through it like paper. When I stop students are staring at me shocked. I get back up heading out only to see there gone. Looking around I see nothing. Listening I don't hear anything. Before I know what's going on im punched again in the side. I gasp as I'm thrown into the fence bending it. Blood leaks from my mouth which I immediatly spit out. Hands from behind the fense grab me. And a knifes placed against my throat. Turning my head a bit I see another villain. It was a girl with blond hair. She wore normal clothes but a knife stuck out of her pants pocket.

She laughs." Stay still or I might accidently slit your throat."She says giggling. Turning around handy man and the monster walk over. He starts laughing chaoticly." Finally, after we kill her, I'll make master proud." He say. I stare at him. This guy was on something.

I pull my hands away from her hearing a crack at the sudden resistance her wrists were given. She screams staring at her now broken wrists. Handy man glares at me." Careful your not really in any position to fight back." I glare back at him. I didn't I just don't like being held down." I say.

The monster suddenly lurches forward only it stops when something huge lands between us. When the dust clears I see All might." No need to fear I am here." I smile at him. Now that he's here I have more of a chance. All might turns to me and smiles." Are you alright silver?" I nod. Raising my hands. Shadows shoot towards the school encasing it in a barrier. Now I don't have to fight using 100% of my power. That's kind of hard when trying to keep a barrier up.

Activating my innocence I lunge at them only the purple mist guy from before appears. They jump through and there all gone as if they were never there." What the hell? Why did they run away? I let my barrier down and the students come filling out. Bakugo walks out with cival. Immediatly I deactivate my innocence running over to them. I take cival hugging him close." O god, thank God your ok." I say. I couldn't be happier. My child was safe in my arms. At that moment its crushed when I think of kanda. Where is he? He wouldn't of let cival go without a fight. I need to find him. "Bakugo can you please watch cival again i need to find kanda." H enods taking him.

Immediatly I take off running in the direction of my house.

I arrive five minutes later. The door stood open. I call his name as I walk inside." Kanda." No answer. Walking into the living room I see the place was trashed. There were slashes and holes in the walls. The couch was turned over cut in two. The tv had been shattered. Looking closer I notice an unloving figure underneath the couch. Flipping it over I being checking kandas vitals. I sigh with relief when I feel a heartbeat. I don't see any major wounds but just in case I pick him up running to the nearest hospital. Running into the ER I'm greeted with the stunned faces of nurses who quickly roll out a bed and start asking questions about who he was and what happened, while ,placing him on it. I try to follow them as they pass through a set of double doors but I'm blocked but two hefty security guard's. Granted if I wanted I could easily move them but at the moment I didn't want to cause any trouble that might get me thrown out.

Trudging over to a chair in the waiting room i take a seat nervously tapping my foot.

I wait and wait. About an hour later does a doctor finally come out." Is anyone here for Kanda, Yuu?" Immediatly I'm up.running over to him." Will he be ok doctor?" The doctor smiles noding." Yes he will be fine. He was only knocked unconscious, but will you come with me, I would like to ask you a few questions." I nod following him through the double doors I was forbidden to enter an hour ago and led to an office. Inside was normal. A filing cabinet, a desk that held a laptop. A chair. And a few thermometers laying about.

He pulls out another chair from the corner motioning for me to sit. I do, he sits across from me grabbing a clip board from inside the desk.

"Now mis-""silver call me silver." He nods." Mis silver while evaluating your boyfriends injuries we discovered a series of other wounds on his body. He had been fighting when he was knocked unconscious. Do you have any ideas on who could of done this?" I sigh nodding.

"Yes it was villains. They knocked out my boyfriend and took my child to use against me." He rights something down in the clip board frowning.

"What reason would villains have to take your child and use him against you?" I shrug my shoulders. That is the question. What would villains have to gain for killing me. I have no quoral with them accept for when they attacked class 1-A.

The doctor sighs." Where is the child now?" I stare at him confused but answer.

"I left him with a friend so I could take kanda to the hospital." He nods.

The doctor asks me a few other questions before sighing.

"Miss silver I'm sorry to inform you of this but because you specifically were targeted by villains and the fact that your child's life was in danger because of this event I will have to notify (CPS) department of Child Protective Services."

I stare at him confused." What's that?"

He looks at me sadly before answering." It's a department that does investigations into children's home lives trying to figure out if the environment is stable and the child or children is safe to be in that environment."

It's my turn to stare at him shocked." What if the environment is found unstable?" The doctor sighs turning away.

"Many things could happen but one of many occurrences is that the child is taken out of the home placed in a stable family or friends residence or is placed into the system of foster care for a while."

No no no no no no no. That's not going to happen. It won't happen. I guarantee it.

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