30: Sports festival!!

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I was so excited. Today was the sport's festival. I sit in the girls locker room in our p.e attire eating a roast beef sandwich. Seven more sat next to me. I needed all the energy I could get. Class 2-B girls were in here as well. Both classes mingled excited and ready to show off their quirks or gadgets they made. Hurrying up I finish my sandwiches following the rest of the girls out of the locker room. Boys and girls gather in front of the stage. Bakugo goes up saying he's going to beat all of us p****** some people off. I on the other hand just smirk. Bring it on Bakugo. Let's see what you got.

They spin the wheel landing on the optical course. Everyone lines up at the starting line. I smile looking around the stadium for Allen, Kanda and the rest of the exorcists. After a minute of searching I spot them closer to the bottom. Damn they must of came early for those seats. I'll make them proud. Lining up we all wait then...........Bang. We all take off.

Using my speed I pass almost all of the students. Todoroki and Bakugo were in front of me. Lida easily catches up. Students were using their quirks trying to stop others. Lucky for me nobody tried using their quirk on me. I would of just dodged anyway.

We all make it to the the second part easily. Suddenly the ground starts shaking. Taking a step back I'm surprised when multiple giant robots stand from the ground. These things were massive. Bigger then and akuma I've ever fought before. UA really went all out on this. Activating my innocence I jump up using my shadows to help propel me into the air. I land on the robots shoulder. It's funny because it didn't even know I was there and everyone was staring at me like I was crazy. Down below todoroki freezes their legs. Quickly I slice the things head off before jumping to the next to do the same.

After about 10 I'm done. Jumping down from the last robot just as it falls I take off running. To my surprise I get to a deep hole in the the ground with wires going across. The wires were the only way across unless you had a quirk that could help. Backing away I make a running start before jumping. My shadows shoot from the ground pushing into the sky. I land on the other side with a thud.  Looking ahead I see Bakugo and Todoroki. I take off running getting to a dirt field. I see todoroki freezing the ground and Bakugo fly ahead with his explosions. I hell naw. I get into position taking off running. Faster and faster till the bombs didn't even matter. I was to fast to be affected by them. Suddenly there was a massive boom. Looking back im surprised to see midoriya fly over me. Holy he'll were did he come from. We both enter the giant dark hallway crossing the finish line at the same time.

There's cheering from all around the stadium. I smirk sending shadows into the air and having them explode like fireworks. Bending down I help midoriya up. He stumbles around probably dizzy." We did it midoriya." Looking up to the board my smile widens when I see both our names side by side with 10 million points beside it. Other students start passing the finish line. Bakugo was mad midoriya won instead of him. I just signed. He's always mad about something.

After waiting a while everybody crosses the finish line. Then they announce the second round. A group of team mates would hold one teammate up while they went around trying to take points off of us. The thing about this challenge was that me and midoriya both had one million points so when they announced that the group with the most points at the end would be the winner, midoriya and I both became instant target's. I glares right back at everyone that may have had any sort of thought of gunning for me though. I know I said bring it on but seriously part of my class 1-A and 2-B are all coming for me or midoriya since we have the most points. Plus I know my innocence, shadows, speed, strength, and senses are all better then the average quirk but I have weaknesses too and if there exploited then I may have some trouble. Everyone separates  trying to find a group. I see midoriya standing to the side looking around. Immediatly I walk over to him." Hay midoriya sana form a group." He thinks for a moment staring at the ground muttering something about our points, quirks or innocence and our skill level before nodding. We find a few other people and the competition starts. I was in front securing most of midoriya weight which to be honest I'm a little worried about. I know he's thin but damn this kid weighs praticaly nothing. When we're done here we'll all have to go to a buffee.

I wrap my shadow dome around us make a little hole in it so midoriya able to grab some points.  We were the most targeted group. Quirks of all kind bash against the dome. In all honesty right now with my and Tokoyami's shadow powers we could win this right now. But there's a chance he might loose control.

My dome is nearly pitch black and if i weaken it the others will be able to break through. But if he does use his quirk in my dome he could loose control since he can't maintain his quirk in darkness well. Dammit looks like I'm on my own with this one. Midoriya Snags a 30 point band but somehow both of our 10 million point bands are snagged by another group I don't know how. Dammit I didn't want to do this because it's kind of wrong but at this point if we don't get the points back we'll loose. I close the dome entirely stopping." Silver what are you doing, we have to hurry and get some points or we're going to loose." "Shhhh" I say focusing. Concentrating I have two make shift shadow arms emerge from the ground. I learned this trick from pride alone time ago but never got to try it out until now. Quickly they strike surrounding the group that stole our points. Bakugo uses his explosions and kirishima uses his hardening quirk to bang against the dome. I almost laughed at there futile attempts. Shrinking the dome there forced to there knees as the shadows part swiftly snagging our 20 million points back and nothing more. The bell rings signaling the end of the round. O Bakugo hates me now.

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