18: Fights and rude awakings

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Clenching my hands together my eye suddenly activates. It narrows in on the monster. Only the suffering soul wasn't outside the body. It was still inside the body trapped in its own skin.

Looking about the room I can conclude that a man with hands all over his body and a purple mist like guy were in charge of the supposed attack." I'll TELL YOU AGAIN. LEAVE NOW OR YOU'LL SUFFER MY WRATH." I say glaring at the handy man. That a nice nickname for him, handyman.

He glares back saying three words." Kill her first." Suddenly the monster let's Aizawa go and runs at me. I gasp as he's there in seconds. So fast, just like sloth. I barely dodge as he swings  his massive fist towards me.  Jumping back. I need a plan. I may be strong but I won't win in a physical fight with this guy. I can't black out the arena. That could cause the other students to be in even more danger. Alchemy would be pointless, I don't know enough of it. S*** I should of learned more of it.

I punch hard landing it in his gut. But it seemed to have little to no effect on him. I gasp as my coats suddenly grabbed from behind and I'm lifted into the air and suddenly thrown. O God. Looking below me I see some students.

Landing hurt like a b****. I'm pretty sure if I was just human I would be dead. Rolling over I see I'm right next to Aizawa. He didn't look good at all practically dead, S***. I have to heal him or he won't make it. Crawling over I quickly place my hands on his chest focusing all of my energy on his wounds.

I had almost healed all the wounds from inside his body when my ankles suddenly grabbed picking me up. I hang upside down glaring at the hideous monster.  Releasing my shadows they lunge forward piercing the monsters side. It drops me screeching. Then right before my eyes the wound heals closed. What the literal f***.

Getting ready to attack the monster again i don't notice the handy man till it's to late.

I'm suddenly hit in the head from behind. Gasping I stumble forward falling. My head was ringing and I couldn't concentrate. I could see midoriya though. He stood a few yards away next to froppy." Midoriya get the students together now." He nods staring at me sadly before running off. Shaking my head I turn back around to see the monster, the handy man and the purple mist guy standing there.

"I didn't want to have to use it but you've forced my hand." Grabbing my right wrist I pull my arm making it transform into a sword. The sword of exorcism. Handy man's expression turns from board to shocked." Interesting, your a living weapon I see. No matter your not strong enough to face our creation." I smirk.

In seconds I'm slicing through the monster earning a screech. It freaks out falling to the ground. I take no time in attacking again and stab it in the chest. It suddenly reaches up and before I can move it grabs me in its massive hand. Pulling energy from my stone I try and push his hand open but it wasn't enough. Where was all Might? Where are the other hero's?

"What's this. Your chest is glowing red." I SCREAM as the man suddenly rips my shirt open showing my chest. My chest was throbbing from pulling so much energy from the stone. He smirks as he places his hand on my chest. I couldn't describe the pain at that moment. All I knew was that I blacked out because of it.


I watch in horror as silver beaten over and over trying to defend us. Suddenly the villain with hands all over his body rips open silver's shirt revealing her chest. I wanted to blush to look away in shame. I just couldn't tare my eyes away from the scars that littered it. O my, what did silver ever do to have gained such scars. They were a light pink telling me the weren't recent but when they were given they were deep. The villain puts his hand on her chest and right before our eyes her skin starts flaking away revealing a bright red stone.  She screams again before slumping forward.

Silver's skin suddenly turns a ashen  gray before she sits up. I gasp as I see her eyes. They had turned a golden color and crosses littered her forehead. She suddenly smirks. Shadows from all around the room form a ball in the air above them.

A loud bang suddenly filters through the room as the front doors are thrown open. There stood All Might and a few other teachers from UA. As Well as a few other people I didn't recognize. The white haired ones eyes widen and he rushes forward at the sight of silver. Timcampy sat on his shoulder. I then become aware of how much this man looks like silver.

His hand actives turning into the same metal hand silver has." SILVER STOP IF YOU DON'T THE 14TH WILL COMPLETELY TAKE OVER." the man screams causing silver to stop and stare at him. She suddenly shakes her head. Her skin turns pale again and when she opens her eyes there the pale grey we all know before she passes out again. The monster still holding silver throws her to the ground before turning to face all might.

Waking up I find myself in someone's lap. Sitting up I'm aware of how much pain my chests in." Hay, careful that monster really did a number on you." Uraraka says pointing to my broken arm that was a bit purple. Nodding I sigh taking it in my hand and snapping it back into place.

Uraraka jerks away at the sound shocked that I had just snapped the bone back into place." She's right silver you need to take it easy you've used a lot of energy from your stone." Allen says bending down. I sigh knowing he's right. Looking back down at my chest i see that it was healing but slowly. I gulp knowing what was happening. Allen must of noticed because he stares at me asking." Silver what's with that look? Is something wrong? I shake my head in reassurance and smile." Nothing's wrong my chest just hurts a bit." He nods in understanding.

My stomach drops as I felt as if I would cry. My healing was slowing down and I'm not able to pull as much energy from the stone as before.

How much longer do I have?

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