31: Sports festival part 2

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We give our head band to the teachers to tally up the scores. My team came in first. Lidas came in second and bakugo's came in third. He was p****** at me. I could tell by the way he continued to glare at me. Only the first four teams would be advancing. Walking to the center of the feild they spin the wheel. Slowly the wheel stops landing on one on one battles. I sigh knowing I won't be able to participate in this challenge. But it's ok because I know that's the absolute way I won't be able to harm any of them.

The com suddenly turns on with an announcement." Due to certain circumstances silver will not be participating in this round, but at the end will be given her own round." The con goes off. My own round, that's nice for me but in a way doesn't seem fair. But I guess this is the only way I would be able to fight as well. I wonder who I'll be fighting. Oooo I hope I get to vs endever. I still hate that guy for hurting todoroki. I walk off the feild heading up towards my family. Is has reserved seats for the students to wait and watch but I wanted to see my family instead. Taking the elevator when it opens I walk out into the stands. Immediatly I see Allen, lavi, kanda,cival, leenale and komui." Hay guys." I say walking over waving. They immediatly jump up greeting me. They were all in there exorcist clothing. Wonder why?" Hay guys why are you in your uniforms?" They immediatly frown. Allen steps forward to speak but is cut off by komui." We've gotten word that akuma have started popping up all over in the United states. The Noah are on the move." I stand shocked." What the hell guys why wasn't I informed of this. The Noah know we're here in Japan. We need to start preparing for the worst. We need to tell the hero's to start preparing safety plans for the public. Kanda hands Allen, cival, then hugs me." Hay its ok so far we've been doubling up on patrols and so far there's been no sightings at all. We didn't tell you because we knew you were excited for today. We didn't want to ruin your fun." I sigh, I guess it made sense." Ok I'll forgive you guys if we all, including my class go out to a buffed tonight. I'm seriously worried about if midoriyas getting enough to eat. He's extremely light." Allen laughs holding his stomach." Silver if anybody should be concerned it should be us about you. You seriously look like you weigh 90 pounds at most." I cross my arms glaring at him." Not true I've actually gained a bit of weight lately. I now weigh 104." I say proudly. They all shake there heads." That's all in muscle silver, you litteraly don't have an ounce of fat on your body." Lavi says attempting to pinch my stomach. I swatt his hand away taking a seat.

The matches were just beginning.

I watch intensely laughing when kirishima went up against a metal dude who had almost the same quirk as him. Is was funny as hell because they were both evenly matched. They even went as far as to knock each other out ending the match in a tie.

Bakugos and urarakas fight was interesting. Even though Bakugo was sure to win from the get go, urarakas a smart girl for the plan she came up with. She's a dare devil, the dangerous kind at that.

Then came midoriyas and todorokis fight. Todoroki, in his first fight went over board so I'm a little worried for midoriya. He's strong but todorokis quirk is as well strong.

The fight starts out simple. Midoriya countering todorokis ice will one for all, breaking his fingers. But tgen the fight starts heating up when they stop fighting and begin talking. Even with my heightened hearing I still could barely hear them because of all the people talking on't he stands. I did make out the word endever though, which caused me to look his way and glare.

He must of felt my gaze because he looks to where I'm sitting and shudders making me smirk. I scare him, good.

Something in todoroki must of snapped because all of a sudden the left side of his body is spouting flames. I stand amazed. I didn't think I would ever see him use his left side. He hates it because of his father.

Suddenly the purple lines appear on Izuku. My eyes widen as todoroki activates his ice as well. No, no,no that could kill them. Jumping from my spot I run to the center making multiple shadow domes right as cement walls go up separating them. I gasp as the walls on both sides are easily destroyed. Almost immediatly are my domes broken. Pain rips through my body making me scream. Never ever in all my years of living have I felt a worse pain. I would say I'm dead but knowing I'm feeling this pain only ment I was alive.

The smoke and degree clear as I'm left standing there. The look of horror flashes through the teachers face. I'm suddenly aware of a wet feeling. Looking down I see multiple shards of rock implanted in my stomach and side. Blood leaks from my mouth dripping down my tattered clothes. Looking up I see the teachers run at me before everything goes dark.


Silver suddenly jumps from the stands placing herself I'm between the the two fighters putting up her shadow domes. Cement walls grow from the ground between her and them. There impacts easily break through the walls. At first silver's domes hold but then they break. For moments my heart skips a beat before pain. I scream clutching my chest dropping to my knees. O my god silver was feeling this right now. This pain is worse then death. Tears pour from my eyes as I continue to sob. Looking down im stunned to see blood on my shirt. I gasp, we can feel each others pain in times of extreme distress but we never recived an actual wound from the other.

The smoke and debree clear from the area leaving a horrifying sight.

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