9: Confession part 2

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Bakugo suddenly thrusts his hands towards me holding something. Looking more closely I notice there flowers. But not just any flower. Lotus flowers. My eyes teer up as I take them from his hands. Tears begin falling down my face as I remember my grouchy lotus flower. "Omg I'm sorry is it the flowers? I'll get rid of them." He tries to snatch them away but I hold them close to my chest." No, no it isn't the flowers, their quite beautiful in fact. It's just this type of flower brought back memories of my dead love." Timcampy rubs against my face trying to comfort me." Thanks Timcampy, Allen and Cross were both lucky to have you," He grins.

Bakugo face softens." O" he suddenly looked so, deflated, like us just crushed him or something." What's the matter Bakugo?" He shakes his head not answering. I grab his arm, he tries pulling it away." Bakugo please tell me if I did something wrong." I'm shocked when Bakugo suddenly spins around grabbing my arms pulling me closer. Then I feel the warm lips on mine. I'm so shocked I didn't pull away. I just stood there.


I pull away a smile on my lips. But my smile drops when I'm suddenly punched in the face. Cupping my face I feel blood start dripping from my nose. Looking down I see silver standing there, tears falling down her face." Silver I'm s-" she rushes off with incredible speed almost breaking the door when she rushes out. Looking down the flowers were on the ground. Great Bakugo, great.

After silver rushed out everyone was angry at me not that I cared except for kirishima who tried comforting me.

We split up into groups of two to go look for silver.

Me any kirishima were both partners.

It had probably been 2 hours and we still couldn't find silver. Where could she be we've looked all over the city.

Suddenly I receive a text from lida saying they found her at the park and we could call off the search.

I sigh with relief. And decide to head home. I'll apologize to silver on Monday.

Walking home I had the sneaking suspicion I was being watched but every time I turned around no body was in sight. Finally I make it home immediatly going to the shower.

When I'm done I get dressed in some sweats and tank top. I get in bed just laying their for a few minutes thinking before falling asleep.

I wake with a gasp feeling a hand over my mouth. Looking up I see a tall man with a top hat leaning over me. I couldn't make out any facial features because it was so dark. I could tell though that he was wearing a fancy suit.

I try asking him who he was and why he was in my bedroom but my words just came out muffled. "Shhhhhh its ok, I won't hurt you...... not yet at least." My eyes widen and I start struggling more. Explosions begin going off in my hands as there held down by something. It felt like rope.

"I'm going to cut right to the chase. Your close to silver and we want to make silver suffer for what she did to us. And the only way to do that is to hurt the people she's close to. Your going to be one of our messages to her." I gasp as he suddenly slams his hand through my chest. But there was no pain, no blood. He chuckles at my surprised and scared face.

I feel something come out of his hand burrowing into my chest then pain. It was a small pain I could ignore but I felt like this was one of those times where I needed help. He pulls his hand out laughing. A young girl I couldn't make out suddenly comes out from a door that appears out of no where and begins singing.

"I was scared, no that word was to light for this i was terrified.

I know I shouldn't be acting like this. I'm Bakugo I could take this guy I just needed to get my hands free. But the fear coursing through my veins was preventing me from doing so. Im.about to start struggling again when I'm suddenly hit hard in the head knocking me into unconsciousness.

I sigh sitting in class. It's Thursday and I couldn't pay attention. I'm worried about Bakugo. He hasn't come to school in fours days and he won't text back to any of his class mates texts. I still don't understand this centuries technology so I don't have a phone. I feel really bad because kirishima told me that Bakugo really liked me but he didn't really know how to tell me. Then I started crying when he had given me his flowers. Then i punched him in the face and ran away after he kissed me.

I'm a terrible person all the signs were there that he liked me. Why hadn't I noticed before? It's my fault he hasn't showed up for school I should apologize. If he doesn't come to school tomorrow I'll go to his house and apologize. I probably really hurt his pride my rejecting him like that. But I don't feel the same way towards him. I still love kanda even if he's passed on. Atleast now his soul can finally rest with his first loves.

My heart aches at the thought of him being with another women. Shaking my head I look back to the board trying to concentrate on the topic even though I know that won't happen.

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