12: Dreams are dangerous

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The figure smirks stalking towards the sleeping girl silently.  Stepping into the pale light you would notice it was a little girl with dark blue hair and a dress. Road the Noah. Road despised silve,  she once thought of her as family till she murdered her in cold blood.

I smirk placing a hand to the girls head. I use my power to make her dream only the worst things in life.
This is payback for what she did to me. She deserves a lot more but I'm a nice person.

                         Silver  Dream
I stood in the middle of a destroyed street. Looking around everything was destroyed. My eyes widen as I start to spot bodies. Bodies of everyone I've ever known. I spot the body of  Edward. I run over to him a and start shaking him." Edward, Edward, wake up. Please don't be dead, please don't be." I'm suddenly slapped away. My body flies to the side.

I cover my cheek not in pain but in shock." What the hell-?" I stop, staring up at him. He had now stood up to show me his whole body.

Blood gushed from his right stumpped  shoulder that usually held his metal arm. His shirt was ripped showing a bit of his stomach and revealing a gaping hole in his side." Omg Edward what happened? We need to get you to the hospital." Looking up at his face I'm aware of the blank look on his face." It's your fault."

Wait what? What's my fault?" Edwards what's my faul-." I gasp as he suddenly kicks me in the stomach. I land a few feet away gasping for air. What was wrong with him. Standing I stare at him. "It's your fault". What? I unintentionally take a step back bumping into someone. Slowly turning around I gasp covering my mouth.

There stood allen only this wasn't Allen. He had ashen skin, the stigmata littered his forehead and his eyes were a golden color, a clear indication that the 14s memories had fully taken over. But this is Allen he's a fighter he wouldn't let the noahs memories take him.

"Allen do you remember me? It's me silver, your sister-" I gasp as I feel immense pain. Blood leaks from my mouth. Looking down I see Allens clawed hand impaling my stomach

He rips his hands out. Blood covers his hand dripping onto the ground in heavy drips. I stand shocked as blood pours from my wound. I couldn't believe it. It wasn't true." Allen" I turn trying to get away but there in front of me were all my friends and family. I could tell they were dead because lavi had his head in his hands. Turning around again I'm met with the same sight." Allen, Edward, mustang, alphones, kanda, leenale, midoriya, Bakugo, uraraka, kirishima, Todoroki, all might, and more. They all stare at.me saying the same thing." It's your fault, its your fault, its your fault." I couldn't go anywhere. They were surrounding me coming closer. "No-o I'm sorry, please stop" I say crouching down in great. As they get closer the light dims. As the last alive of light leaves I see a girl with blue hair and golden eyes smirking at me, road. I scream.

We were all in class when there's an ear piercing scream. Tge building starts shaking and shadows form around the room coming from the hallway. Well all jump knowing exactly who it was coming from. We all run out of the classroom to medical to see silver standing in the middle of the room. Only something was different about her. Her head was done and she wasn't moving. Shadows were swirling around her body. "Silver what's the matter?" Her head snaps up to meet mine and her eyes widen in fear." Stay away, stay away from me." She says backing away. Why was she acting like this?

"Silver please tell us what's wrong, what can we do to help you? She shakes her head." Stay away, I don't want to get hurt anymore!!" What? She's afraid of us." Silver have we ever hurt you, we're your friends. We care about you." I say. I must of struck a nerve because her face softens and she begins to cry. Her shadows disapear leaving a dim room. Walking over I bend down. She suddenly clutches onto me in a hug." What's wrong silver?" Looking up her lip quivers." You were all dead, everyone I've ever befriended or loved was dead and it was my fault. You were there midoriya, so was Bakugo, kirishima, uraraka, todoroki, everyone. I'm putting you guys in danger by staying here. I should leave."

She says suddenly surprising us all. "No your not, if you haven't noticed we're class 1-A. We'll always be in danger as long as we are." Uraraka says. Silver smiles wiping her face. I help her up giving her a hug. Everyone soon joins in, even Bakugo.
That night silver was to scared to be alone so she stayed the night at todorokis. Yes very unexpected I know. I think he slowly starting to get used to people and open up.

Todoroki offered for me to stay at his house because I didn't want to be alone. That was nice of him. I would of stayed at uraraka but she went home early not feeling well. She texted midoriya to tell me she was sorry and that she wished I could spend the night just not right now. I can't get sick I just understand that she needs her rest to fight off the sickness. After school me and todoroki head to my house where I can grab some clothes.

I grab pjs, my coat and a few other pieces of random clothing. I grab a pillow and we leave. Timcampy silently sits on top of my head staring down everyone that passes by. He's still a little freaked out about my incident earlier. Poor Timcampy, I traumatized him.

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