23: Taking this seriously

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After a few days in the hospital I was able to leave. Cival was so cute. He would almost never cry and was always smiling and laughing. Kandas really attached to him always smiling. It's the most I've even seen him smile. The sight always bring a smile to my face. We've decided that kanda would watch cival during the day while I go to school. Well I go back to school today. For today I was actualy going to bring cival with me to show everybody. I mean they did come visit me but they couldn't really interact with me because I was dead tired and cival was sleeping. Ive also been feeling a lot beeter since I gave birth. Which is a relief. They've released me from the 24/7 watch too. Not cival though. Which in ok with. If anybody tried to hurt my child I would kill them WITHOUT MERRCY.

Getting up I get ready then start getting cival ready. When I'm done I place him in his carrier then grab his diaper bag. I leave a note for kanda and leave the house. I walk to school.

Cival on the way kept starring at all of the people curiously. It was so cute and funny at the same time. We stopped a few times because people were fawning over him.

When we reached the school i dont think the bell had rung yet. Walking into the school I half expected the alarms to go off but they didn't which I was happy for. Walking in I head to my class.

Taking a deep breath I walk in to find them in the middle of a lesson. Woopsie I guess the bell had rung. Everyone stares at me then looks down to see cival staring at them curiously with his wide silver eyes.

Urarackas the first to jump up and run over. She starts tickling him causing small giggles to escape his mouth. His tinny feet kicking at her unable to control himself with excitement. I place his carrier on a desk and pull him out. Everybody starts getting up to see him. Midoriyas the first to speak though." He looks a lot like kanda but with your eyes." He says which I nod to." Yes, a baby kanda." I say laughing.

"Bakugo pushes through the crowd  staring cival down who stares at him as Well. Suddenly Bakugo raises his hand and tickles his tinny belly. Cival makes a small cry, laugh sound making us all aww. I hand Bakugo cival who hesitantly takes him." He's so small." Bakugo says in amazement as if what he was seeing just wasn't possible." I smile at the sight. Only once have i seen Bakugo in such a vulnerable state were he's feeling something other then anger. He did have a heart.

Bakugo didn't seem to want to let cival go when I took him. Cival didn't either as he made a pouty face and started to cry. I shushed him pulling out a bottle from his diaper bag and started to feed him.

He almost immediatly begins chowing down. No soon then a minute was the bottle contents gone and I was trying to burp him." Ooo can I burp him?" Uraraka asks." I nod handing my child over to the brown haired girl. Who takes him gently and starts patting him on the back gently. I place a towl over her shoulder just in case. No sooner does he let out a big belch surprising everyone. A little milk leaks from his mouth which I wipe away smiling." Are you full?" I ask in a baby voice.  He yawns closing his eyes before opening them again but letting them droop again."

I take him back rocking him side to side making him fall asleep. I put him back in his carrier and take my seat. Everyone else does as well and the lesson begins again.

School ends and I walk home. When I walk in i could instantly tell something  was wrong as everybody was standing around except to my surprise komui who was sitting on the couch enjoying a cup of coffee. "Hold on before we start let me put cival to bed." I say quickly walking off. When I'm done I walk back.

"Ok so what happened?" Allen sighs." The Noah are making there move. Recently in the United States there's been sighting of huge metallic monsters in the sky. They've been identified as akuma. That was a few days ago. Today in Europe sighting of akuma have been reported. There moving and spreading out. We need to start planning for the worst and start taking this more seriously." I sigh knowing he was right." Have they done anything other then moving to different locations?" I ask Allen. He shakes his head." So far no, they've done nothing so far." Komui says I nod." Whatever it is I know there up to no good. I propose we start sending exorcists across the globe to destroy them again. It's time the Black order came back." They all nod.

"Yes it is but we don't have any of this times money currency." Leenale states. I think for a moment." Well we do have the ark. Start selling things from the ark. That's bound to make is some money. Wait are the original black order buildings still standing?"

"I don't know, but I do know some of the buildings structures have got to be falling down by now." Komui says." Wait what about the guardians, are they still alive." He sighs." We don't know the guardians. They are bound to the buildings and innocence. They could still be there or they could of died when innocence was gathered and absorbed into people's bodies."

I sigh, this was going to be tough." Alright let's just give the exorcists a heads up about what thefuture plans may be." I say slouching onto the couch. They nod. Komui and leenale leave. Kanda sits next to me Allen sits in a chair and lavi sits on the other side of me. I grab my bag pulling out my homework. Geometry.


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