I forget a lot. I forget to eat. Or when I last showered. Or to water my plants. Even when I last peed.
But I don't forget the time my mom yelled at me at 1am for closing the door too loud. When my face was bruised, hands bloody, tears running down my face and hair missing.
Or when my dad called me a slut at 11pm when he was drunk out of my mind. But I took my time to clean up the house and take care of him at 3am while he yelled mean names at me.
Or when my mom forgot about me for 3 days and then said I was useless. But I spent 3 days getting the money she use to live with, 3 days to fight for HER, 3 days of blood and tears.
Or when my mom pushed me in a wall for turning the light on in the kitchen. But I hadn't eaten in 2 weeks because she was to far up her own ass to give attention to the fact that the fridge was empty.
I forget a lot. But I don't forget the horrible things my so called family do to me.