Chapter two

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You stomped over back to the castle with angry sparkle matter following your trail.

You bursted open the doors , Hawkodile got startled.  "Oh...uh.. Princess it's just you..."

"Yeah it's me..."You sighed.  You couldn't stop thinking about Master Frown, what was so attractive about him?!

"Is there something wrong?"Dr. Fox asked kind of concerned.  You kind of gasped then looked away.

The sparkle matter clumped up making the heart huge!  Crushing you.  "AGH!"You shrieked in pain.

"Oh no!"Dr.Fox ran to you.  "It seems like you have a crush!  If you don't treat your crush, you can crush into a pancake!"

"WHAT?!"You yelled.  You were being your crush?

But you didn't want to tell him since this happened so fast!  You just met him and your just going to confess to him!  You made yourself to forget about him.

Master Frown P.o.v.

I open the doors to my apartment.

"BROCK!!"I yelled.

"WHAT?! Why do you always have to yell?!"Brock yelled back holding a tray of freshly baked cookies.

"I just learned that Puppycorns birthday will be tomorrow!"I grinned.

"Okay, so?"Brock questioned eating a cookie.

"That means if I steal that candle I'll be able to make a wish!"I stated.

"....."Brock froze. "Oh that's nice. I going too?"

I groaned.  "Fine, you can come."

"By the way will you clean the dishes because you never do it?"Brock asked.

I stood there with a bored expression, "No."

(Sorry this chapter is short I ran out of ideas but don't worry!  Because the next chapter will be all about the new episode of Unikitty when Master Frown steals Puppycorn candle then You, Unikitty, and Puppycorn set off on a journey to retrieve it so Puppycorn can make his wish.)

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