Chapter Eleven

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After your meltdown, you decided to head to your room...  You didn't really want anger management, but you only agreed because you didn't want anyone to worry about you...

You sighed as you looked out at the window, wondering what will happen tomorrow...

You went to bed. 

The next day...

You woke up,  the sun was shining bright...  You realized it was quiet...too quiet...

You walked out of your room, and noticed everyone gone...

"Unikitty?  Puppycorn...Dr.Fox?!"You yelled trying to get an answer as you walked around the castle.

You saw those robot butler things doing chores and cleaning up the castle.

" you know where Unikitty and the rest are?"You asked.

They shook there heads, you started to worry a bit...  but you didn't want any anxiety attacks so you told yourself they went out for ice cream.. that's what they exactly did...

They told Master Frown well got into your phone and texted him that you wanted him to come over, but you never knew...

They had this whole plan set up!  You looked bad this morning, but you were too lazy to change or brush your fur.

You heard a knock on the door, you opened it but quickly shut it.  "Why is Master Frown here?!"You whispered.

"Uh...(Y/n)...what are you doing?"Master Frown asked.

" never knew you were coming over!"You said.  "What?  But you told me to come over.."Master Frown mumbled.

You instantly knew Unitkitty and the rest has something to do with this!  You tried to contain your anger by breathing in and out.

"You okay?"Master Frown asked.  "Yeah!  C...come in!"You said as you opened the door.

You saw his face which made you blush..."What?"He asked.  "Oh..nothing..."You said.

He walked in and looked around. "Bleh...this place is too pink..."He said as he observed the place.

"Well Unikitty's favorite color is pink!Haha..."You laughed nervously.  He turned around and smirked.  "Just admit you hate the color..."Master Frown continued to smirk.

"U...uh..."You stuttered, you never told your sister but you hated the color pink... "Y...yeah I do hate it.."

"Then tell her to change it!"Master Frown said as he got closer.

"I..i can't she would destroy me..."You muttered.

"So fight back!"Master Frown said as he continued to get closer.

Eventually Master Frown was close to your face, close enough to kiss you..  You smiled nervously as you looked at his eyes.

You started to sweat, you started to get anxiety...  it felt like you couldn't breath for a second...  sure you kissed him before...but you felt nervous than ever.

Then he started to kiss you... but longer this time...

(That's it!  Well for now not until I update this again!  Sorry,  I was working on other story's!  And no this will not be a Lemon!)

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