Chapter Seven

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"Uh...I don't know dude...tell her yourself!"Brock grinned.  Master Frown let out a groan..

He walked out of his room and in a cruddy mood.  "I didn't mean what I said...there!  I said it!"Master Frown scoffed.  You grabbed him a gave him a kiss, which triggered a flashback.


You were playing with your sister and brother, you were much younger.  Richard was your guardian.  You guys were pretty dumb when you were younger so you always got into trouble.

You decided to run away, you didn't know just wanted to.  You ran and ran until you found yourself lost.  "Richard..?  Papa?"You always called him papa sometimes.

You kept walking and walking and you started to cry...  "PAPA!!"You yelled as the tears rolled down your face.

You noticed a figure sitting all alone look like he was crying too.

You walked over to the figure who was Master Frown!  "A...are you okay?"You asked as you sat next to him. He ignored you.  "Come on I will help you if you need it!"

"I don't need your pity..."He sniffled.  "But your in pain I can see it right through your heart!"You stated as you started to get frustrated.  "Fine!  I'll tell you!"He yelled as he showed his face with tears rolling down.

"What happened?"You asked.  "My parents got into a huge argument, and they said there getting a divorce and I won't be able to see my dad!"He cried as cupped his face.

You felt heart broken... "Oh... well I don't even know my parents, my new dad (which you called Richard dad too)  always said they were just as annoying as my siblings before something happened..."You comforted him with a hug.

You gave him a big warm hug and you slightly blush.  But, he hugged you back with also a giggle.  " you wanna be friends?"He asked.  You nodded without any hesitation.

"(Y/n)? (Y/N)!!"You heard a familer voice.  It must be Richard!

"Who’s that?"Master Frown asked.  You ran away from him and hugged Richard.  "Papa!  Your back!"

"Princess you shouldn't run away like that..."He assured you.  "You wanna see my new fr-"You paused as you realized he was gone.

Flashback ends...

You were surprised... You hugged him tightly and said , "I'll always be here for you..."

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