Chapter Three

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(No one's reading this idk why I'm still updating it xdd)

"(Y/n)...(y/n)..."You heard a soft and sweet voice as you woke up.

You turned around to face the figure in your room, it was Unikitty!

"Guess what?"Unikitty asked.

"What..."You said as you rubbed your eyes.

"Its Puppycorn birthday!"Unikitty chimed. You forgot all about that!

"OH NO!!!"You screamed. "I forgot and I didn't get him a present."

"Its ok! I'm sure he won't mind!"Unikitty smiled. "C'mon, and wait outside while I get Puppycorn."

You nodded and headed outside.

Everyone was there.

You waited patiently for Unikitty to bring Puppycorn.

Unikitty finally walked outside with Puppycorn.

"Ok Puppycorn, take off your blindfold."Unikitty ordered.

"WOAH!You got me a rock!"He chimed as his head circled the rock.

"No silly look!"Unikitty pointed at his big party.

"OH! Happy birthday sis!"Puppycorn congratulated her.

"No you goof! It's your birthday!"Unikitty chimed. "WOAH!! It's my birthday!"


You walked around his party looking for snacks. You finally found some, there were cookies, brownies, and chips. You took a brownie and munched on it, you thought it was the best brownie you ever had.

You saw Unikitty and Puppycorn on top of his cake so you decided to join them.

"Happy birthday big bro!"You congratulated him.

"Thanks sis!"He chimed.

"Now blow out your candle so you can make a wish!"Unikitty ordered.

"Ok! I wish for-"Suddenly Puppycorn got interrupted by Unikitty.

"You can't say your wish out loud!"Unikitty yelled covering his mouth. "Oh..."He mumbled. "So who's here?"

"I invited everyone!"Unikitty stated. "Everyone? What?!"Puppycorn frowned.

Then a gloomy looking car came crashing through, it was Master Frown.

"You invited Master Frown?!"Puppycorn screeched. "Well...i wanted to invite him I didn't want to leave him hanging."

Master Frown popped a little kids balloon, which made you a little ticked.

You jumped down from the cake. You went over to Brock who was eating all the snacks. "Brock?! What the heck is he doing?!"You questioned him.

"Doing what he has to do..."He continued to eat.

"Master Frown thanks for coming!"Unikitty greeted.

"Course!"Master Frown chimed. "Y'now Puppycorn everytime you have a birthday you get older! Then you have to get a job, have a family... and then you will be gone! And you won't have anytime to play..."

"What?! Birthdays are the worst!"Puppycorn ran away crying.

You could see Unikittyall red and filled with anger. "Master Frown I'm going to ask you TO LEAVE!! Please?"

Everyone was shocked. "Alright...the exits this way... not until I take this!!"

He jumped onto the cake and took the candle that was shaped as Puppycorn.

Master Frown x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now