Chapter Five

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"What's going on?!"Unikitty yelled as she could see Heart sparkle matter clumping up.

"Oh no!  We did something wrong!"Dr.Fox panicked.  Master Frown was totally different he didn't look the same he didn't act the same!

Something bad will probably happen if they don't fix this!!  Dr.Fox looked away from Master Frown for second to only realized he's gone!

"Where'd he go?!"Unikitty yelled.  "I don't know!  But we have to stop them!"Dr.Fox ran back to unikingdom.

You ran outside too, to only see Master Frown running towards you.

You guys embraced as a shockwave of love surrounded the kingdom.  "Woah!"Hawkodile yelled.  "That's strong too strong..."

Heart sparkle matter kept clumping up making things get destroyed.

"We have to separate them!"Dr.Fox yelled.  Unikitty and Hawkodile made an attempted to pull you away from each other but the love was too strong to pull you apart!

"This is all my fault!"Puppycorn cried.  "No time to cry buddy!  Help us seperate them!"Hawkodile struggled to seperate you and Master Frown.

"I love you Master Frown!"You yelled.  "I love you too (Y/n)!!"Master Frown also yelled which somehow he learned your name.  Then another shockwave of love came rushing through and knocking back the bunch.

"Hawkodile do something!"Unikitty cried.  Hawkodile nodded as punched Master Frown in the stomach.

"Oof!"Master Frown groaned as he cried on the floor, he snapped out of it!  You did too!  "Wha....what happened."You mumbled as you felt a bit drowsy.  "Did...did you DO something!"You started to get angry.

"Uh...we...uh....."Unikitty stuttered.  You started to tense up! "WHAT DID YOU DO?!"You yelled as a wave of fury surrounded the area, you realized that everything was damaged which that was the reason why you were ticked off. 

"We...we made a love potion..."Dr.Fox came clean.  "And know I realize it was a terrible idea, that's not how love works you don't make someone love each other..."

"W...WHAT?!"Master Frown yelled as he got up holding his stomach.  "I didn't love that stupid cat anyway!  You guys are nuts!  I'm leaving!"

You wanted to cry he called you stupid and he didn't love you... you ran away crying.

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