Chapter Nine

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You were really excited, like you thought this was a dream!  But you weren't sure where he was going to take you though...

You were at Unikitty's castle, in your room thinking about what you should wear or do I need makeup?  You thought you were pretty enough so you didn't need makeup.

You wore a short dress that was (Favorite color) on the bottom, and the top was (Second Favorite color).

Unikitty walked in, "Oh my goodness sis!  You look amazing!!"  You kind of got startled but you smiled anyways.  "Thanks sis."You said as you walked out of your room.

Puppycorn, Hawkodile, Dr.Fox, and Richard were all having a conversation until they noticed you...

"Wow!  Sis you look awesome!"Puppycorn ran to you, hugging you.  You hugged back and smiled.

"Wow, (Y/n) going on a date?"Dr.Fox asked.  "Yes actually.."You nodded.  Dr.Fox was surprised!  "Aww...Princess I'm proud of you.."Hawkodile fist bumbed you.

You heard car honking,  must be Master Frown!

"Guys he's here!"You ran outside.  "See you later!"  "Bye Bye little sis!"Puppycorn and Unikitty waved.

"Hi!"Your eyes sparkled.  "Hey...can we leave now?"Master Frown asked.

"What why?"You raised an eyebrow.

"Because I don't want anybody from here to see me..."Master Frown explained.  "Okay..."  You mumbled as you jumped into his car.

You guys drove to Frown Town.  You looked around the place, it was so sad...  People eating alone...People going to the movies alone...

You started to turn blue.  "What's the matter?"Master Frown asked.  "It's just so sad here.."You answered.

"What did you expect?  Frown Town isn't like sunshine and rainbows like your kingdom.."Master Frown stated.

You just shrugged.  You remembered something.  You had to call your sister really quick so you pulled out your phone and called her.  "Hiiii!"Unikitty sang.

"Hi sis."You said.  "Can you uh...make sure none of you go into my room because you usually do... you end up breaking something..."

"Oki doki!"Unikitty chimed before she hang up.  You already knew something was going to happen.

You and Master Frown had finally arrived at a restaurant.  "Sorry...i don't have a lot of money so this is where I can take you..."

You didn't care you thought it was still very sweet...  "it's alright..."You kissed him on the cheek.

After you little dinner...

You thought it was an amazing date.  But nothing amazing really happened, though you still had fun.

Master Frown looked nervous again...

"What is it Frowny..?"You asked kind of chuckling.  "Frowny...?  Don't call that.."He stuttered.  "But I did wanted to give you something..."

"Yeah...?  What is it?"You asked.  He gave you box, you opened it to reveal a necklace, you thought it was so smiled you were so happy you wanted to cry... You hugged him tightly.

You muffled a thank you... then he drove you back to the castle.

You waved him a goodbye, and went inside.  You went straight to your room, and saw it was a mess...

"W...what happened?"You mumbled as you looked at the damage.  First off your mirror was broken, books were spread all over the place, you sheets on your bed messed up, and your window was busted through...

You walked over to the group who seemed nervous.  "What happened?!"You asked.

Master Frown x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now