Chapter Six

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You felt couldn't believe this... Brock said he liked you... did Brock lie to you?

All these thoughts ran through your head as you continued to cry on your bed making the pillow soggy.

"Sis?"You heard a soft voice from across the room.  "What?"You sniffled.  "I just wanted to see if your okay..."It was Unikitty.

"Can't you see?!  I'm not!"You yelled.  " know what I'm going to make him PAY for what he did to you!"Unikitty glitched red when she said pay.  You grabbed her by the shoulder, "No, that's not going to fix anything...all you can do is nothing.."

"But...but he made my best friend cry!"Unikitty cried as she started to tear up.  "Come on sis don't cry...there's no need for that..."You stated.

Shortly after Hawkodile came did Richard...  "Princess you need help."Richard assured you.

"I don't!"You yelled.  "But what if your depression doesn't get treated?  What will happen next?"Hawkodile said.  "No, I'll be fine.."You stated as you face planted onto your pillow.

"Come on sis, please?"Unikitty eyes started to turn into puppy eyes.  "I said no!  I'll be fine!"You yelled once more as you pointed to the door indicated that you wanted them gone.

They walked out... you felt guilty..  but you decided to head to Frown Town yourself!  You didn't know just felt right to you.

You took your (favorite animal) car and drove straight to Frown Town.  You parked your car near Master Frown's car.

You made your way up stairs, and knocked on his apartment door.  Brock was the one you answered it.  "Oh hey (Y/n) alright...?"Brock asked.  "No..."You answered.  "Is it because of what happened yesterday?"Brock assumed.

"Yeah...did you lie to me?"You snarled.  "No...i swear it's what he said!"Brock started to get a little nervous.  "Then why did he call me stupid?  Huh?"You growled back.

"I don't know...maybe he was just upset of what happened yesterday.."Brock said as he backed away.

You felt like a monster, getting mad a Brock wasn't a good idea so you calmed down...  "I'm sorry... but I really think he mean't it..."You calmed down apologizing.  "He means everything he says what did you expect dude?"Brock got alittle sassy.

"I...i don't know.."You mumbled.

"Brock?! Who's here?!"You heard that same voice which was Master Frown.

" it's know one..."Brock yelled back.  "Stop lying!  Who is it?!  If it's Unikitty tell her I want her gone!"Master Frown growled.

"What if I were to tell you it's her sister?"Brock smirked.  Master Frown stayed quiet for a couple of seconds.  "WHAT?! tell her I didn't mean what I said yesterday.."Master Frown said it a bit quieter.

You smiled.

Master Frown x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now