Part 2

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JACK: If you refuse to tell your truth or do your dare you have to choose. One of us can cut or dye your hair, give you a makeup makeover, or give you whatever wardrobe change they want.

ANNA: That doesn't sound too bad

KRISTOFF: If you're ok with Sven cutting your hair...

ANNA: Oooooh no wait I'm beginning to understand why this could be a problem-

JACK: (looking around) Holy crap what is Hans doing here?

OLAF: It can't be a good get-together without the guy who tried to kill you, so I invited him

HANS: hi.....

ELSA: (glaring murderously) I'm going to go first, J.

ANNA: (turns to Kristoff and mouths, "J?")

KRISTOFF: (chokes off laughter)

JACK: Go right ahead

ELSA: Hans. Truth or dare.

HANS: Crap. Umm, (notices Elsas expression) truth. Yeah, truth

ELSA: I dare you-

HANS: I said truth!

ELSA: I heard dare. Anna, what did you hear?

ANNA: Oh I heard dare, too

HANS: (moans) oh no

ELSA: Hans, I dare you to say "because I'm a lousy tick hole" after every sentence.

HANS: Well that could've been worse.

(everyone glares at him, Elsa creates a huge pair of ice scissors and snips them menacingly)

HANS: ... because I'm a lousy Tick hole

JACK: (smirking) Hans truth or dare someone, you're next in the circle

HANS: Alright! (Elsa snips scissors) because I'm a lousy tick hole. Jack, truth or dare because I'm a lousy tick hole?

JACK: dare

HANS: I dare you to (whispers in Jack's ear) because I'm a lousy tick hole

JACK: (raises eyebrow) okay then.

OLAF: Well, Jack, what's the dare?

JACK: You'll have to wait until the time comes. Sven, you're next to Hans. Truth or dare someone.

KRISTOFF (using Svens voice): Okay... (Sven uses his hoof to guesture to Olaf) Olaf, truth or dare?

OLAF: I'll do a dare. This is fun

KRISTOFF (using Svens voice- you know what I will just say it's Sven) SVEN: I dare you to let yourself melt completely, and have Elsa rebuild you

OLAF: Waiiiit.. What?

ELSA: It won't be dangerous. I can rebuild you exactly how you are

OLAF: But....

*****The order of the circle, so you're not confused, is Elsa, Hans, Sven, Kristoff, Anna, Olaf, and Jack.


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