Sky Goddess ( New chapter )

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" Queen Harper is seen gardening with the children of Wakanda once again. She does something with the children every week. It seems the children have taken a liking to her. Look at this little one ", the news anchors broadcast a video of me and the children talking and planting seeds a couple days earlier. One of the smaller children hugs me out of nowhere. She couldn't have been any older than 4 years old.

" If you're not careful you'll be my little one ", I pull her into me for a hug on video.

" How sweet. While Harper had an eventful day with the children of Wakanda, the King of Wakanda has been getting down to serious business with the council. Their have been a number of five meetings surrounding boarder policies, international business, trading, and Wakanda's current association with the Jabari. The debates have been heated and we're told that the king is not budging on any of the old policies his father has instilled and neither is the council. We'll see in the coming weeks if the King comes up with a solution ", said the news reporter. A photo of T'Challa looking stern mid sentence popped up on the screen before the news went back to other Wakandan socialites and up coming events.

I'd barely seen him these past few days. He been incredibly busy and it seemed I was seeing a new side of him. He could be very stern when he wanted to be and quite frankly rather mean. I passed by the throne room one afternoon watching him speak with such irritability. His pointer finger pressed into his temple as he watched the people in the room with annoyance. His eyes cut to me and they softened. I shot him a smile before going back to my duties.

It seemed that T'Challa and I's duties were on two sides of the same coin. While he was suppose to do the dirty work, make alliances, argue out the kinks and implement rules, I was suppose to upkeep the softer side of our reign. I made things look pretty, I was hands on with the citizens, I created events and charities and I gave numerous speeches. Everyday I was responding to letter and showing up to events. I was present during a huge soccer game that took place in one of the historic Wakandan arenas. Me being the huge soccer fan I was, I cheered to my hearts contempt. I was the face of our reign while T'Challa took on the hardships.

" My King ", I hummed as he walked into our bedroom right when I got into bed for the night. I wrapped my robe around myself and embraced him as he came in looking as tired as ever. I peck his mouth slowly and he reciprocates. I cradle his head in my arms reading him like a book.

" You need rest ", I stress.

" I know...and a drink ", he chimed.

" I'll make you one ", I head over to the bar in our bedroom. I never took T'Challa as a drinker but I guess stress did that to you. I poured one of his frequently used brown liquors into a crystal glass and filled it halfway. He sat on the bed kicking off his shoes. He gently takes the glass from me brushing his fingers against mine before pressing the cup to his lips.

" And here I thought I'd be sleeping alone once more tonight, Kumkani ", I grinned and sat next to him.

" I won't be coming to bed my love  ", he looks at me with a regretful expression. I sighed in disappointment, understanding completely.

" Will making an heir make you stay ", I joked. He chuckled.

" Very tempting ", he finished his drink and I grabbed the cup from him and placed it back on the bar before returning beside him.

" I'm afraid I have a mission ", he explained.

" Ahh. I was wondering when you'd get back to your black panther duties ", I push myself into his lap. We always found ways to touch one another when we were in close proximity. It was our thing.

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