tewagī( New chapter )

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Amharic translations may be off. Go easy on me

T'Challa pov*

When I had warned everyone to expect the worst, I did not mean this. As soon as that bullet pierced Harper's mother she had tackled her father, smashing his body into a nearby glass table. Guns started going off and while Wakanda was not a fan of guns, in this occasion they were necessary. The Dora's and Nakia were great at dodging bullets and we had guns of our own. While I was covered head to toe, my wife's head was exposed. I tried my best to pull her off of him. She clung to him with her hands around his throat, not even wasting her powers on him. Her father gurgled blood violently underneath her, gasping for air. She wanted to see the light leave his eyes. Harper was getting stronger at a rapid pace and I noticed I had to use my super natural strength just to get her off him. I held her face in my hands trying to get through to her.

" Do not make a decision you'll regret ", I blocked incoming bullets away from her face with the back of my hand. She had no irises at this point. Her eyes had gone white and it was as if she could no longer hear me.

The wind in the room picked up and and each window in the room shattered as catastrophic winds rolled in knocking many of us off balance. She had every intent on tearing this building apart. I picked up her mother and ran with everyone else because Harper's childhood home was starting to concave.

Harper pov *

I was watching myself. Watching myself start the electrical fire, watching my home engulf inflames, watching it fall down to the ground from the sky. I watched guards run out of my home on fire. I watched and I watched from the sky. I figured that once I touched the sky I would grab control of what I was doing. I assumed that once I touched the sky....I would get a grip on reality. I even thought that once  I ended things with my father, I would come back down from my anger but....watching my T'Challa battle with my fathers men fueled me. I wanted blood and there would be blood tonight.

My father had many soldiers, he had many people who believed in him and fought  for him. They all came out of the darkness . I started zapping and burning these men with the electricity I created one by one. They'd drop like flies as their enteral organs fried from the inside out. After each kill I needed more. The people of Cai had gotten the memo and I watched the city battle it out against it's own military and government members.

When I wasn't frying someone to a crisp, I was tearing down our historical monuments around the city. My fathers statue went first, our family history displays were burnt to ashes. I left no trace of our lineage behind. Everything was on fire outside of shops and the people homes.

T'Challa pov *

" Nakia on your left ! ", I warned her. A man was coming towards her but she dodged him, kicking his knee and stabbing him in the neck before he collapsed on the ground.

Many men tried to shoot me, tackle me, they even tried to stab me but I persevered . I kept looking up in the sky watching Harper pick up army members, fly them up with her and drop them. Bodies were dropping from the sky into the middle of our war path. As time went on, the people of Cai continued to revolt against the emperor's army. Emporer Atsu's men were taking devastating loses. Their army got smaller and smaller as my own army along with the citizens of Cai ripped into their defense lines. What I didn't expect was for Harper to start killing in larger quantities. Pretty soon Cai had 4 different tornadoes swarming around Atsu's defense lines and men were getting sucked in the vortex of winds in left and right.

Our side yielded and moved back as Harper slowly came down from the sky levitating just above ground. Her back was to me and her arms were spread out as she expanded her tornadoes and sucked each and every single men into the eye of storm before dropping them to their deaths. Some still managed to live, twitching helplessly after the fall ...paralyzed.

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