Surprise (New chapter)

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All of our close friends and family were here together . M'baku, Zoya (who had her baby already ) and Suko. All of T'challa's family was here as always and our staff . Romanda threw me this "table baby shower" because I didn't feel like being in the heat for a garden party. Instead we threw it inside of the dining room/living room which was a way more intimate setting. My due date was days away because I kept pushing the shower off. I was so swollen and so uncomfortable that I stayed seated the entire time.

The press was here to record from afar. This was the last broadcasting for me for awhile. I whole heatedly planned on nesting inside the palace for awhile with the new baby and T'challa was in support. The media had been wanting some pregnant content from me for quite awhile. I answered some questions like the people wanted. They'd ask me what it was like being a young mom and was I afraid. I answered truthfully as I always did, hell yes.

However, aside from that fear was pure happiness. T and I were happy that so many people cared about our child. He would know that he's loved while he grows up. Ahmet, Michelle and of course Lily came as well. Lily was now walking and talking. Her little hands stayed glued to the bottom of my dress the entire day which I found endearing. So endearing that I couldn't help but put her on my lap. T'challa warmed me of picking up anything over ten pounds but I didn't listen. 

" Careful", he warned.

" Uncle's being a big grump huh ? ", I grabbed Lily's fist in mine. She pulled herself from me and took that opportunity to pull at my nose and lips. I let her because why not. I didn't get to see her often anyway. I felt a whooshing feeling in my stomach feeling him kick me in the bladder. I stilled and pressed on my stomach. T'challa looked at me instantly picking up on my shift in energy. He didn't say anything, he just continued to eat his rice skeptically. The pressure went away and I went back to my old self.

The get together was basically just us at the dinner table eating and laughing. I opened gifts after our food and dessert. The first one was from Nakia. I opened the box and to my surprise it was a box of multicolored teething necklaces and a black box. A little gold plated bracelet popped out of it. Azari's name was ingrained on this beautiful piece of gold. On the back of the plate rested Nakia's message.

" A child loved by his village is a child that will lead his village " I read with teary eyes at the quote refrencing Azari as king.

" You've made the pregnant lady cry ", M'baku playfully shouted across the room. Nakia and I embrace momentarily.

" This is so nice, thankyou  ", I wipe a stray tear. Lily is trying her best to grab the box so T'challa takes it before she can destroy it. Truthfully anything made me cry. A loud noise, a Disney movie, cuddles from Bast who was sleeping outside, T'challa kissing me goodnight ect. I could cry on a drop of a dime.

The next gift was from Shuri. She handed me another small box and I opened it quickly. It was yet another small bracelet but this one resembled a very small kimoyo bead bracelet. It was blue and black.

" That is Kimoyo I designed to specifically tell you what he wants and it also reports his vitals. Oxygen levels, vitamin levels, blood pressure, heart rate, hunger...pretty much anything. Anything you'd need to know about his little body is in that thing once you turn it on. So you won't ever have to guess if there's something off or if he's even tired or hungry ", shuri explained.

" Holy shit..", I turned it on and T'challa leaned in as we looked at a projection it shot up. It was a graph that picked up MY vitals since I was holding it.

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