Chapter 3 ❤︎ Dinner Disaster

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Please Remember These Things!

❤︎ Y/N Means Your Name

❤︎F/N Means First Name

❤︎L/N Means Last Name

❤︎EA/C Means Ear Color

❤︎T/C Means Tail Color

❤︎E/C Means Eye Color

❤︎H/C Means Hair Color

❤︎N/N Means Nick Name

❤︎POV Means Point of View 

Your POV

It was 4:40. Oh no, I'm going to be late for dinner with Blaze's pack! I quickly grabbed my bag and ran outside. I began running towards where they told us to meet. The Pearl. That was the place.

I bumped into another person, with a familiar scent. 


"Owwwwww.." I whined.

"Are you ok- Y/N?" I heard a familiar, soft voice. Daniel! "Yeah- Yeah.. I'm fine!" I said, getting up. "It hurt less this time!" I smiled.

"Good!" He said, blushing. He was embarrassed. Why? I should've been embarrassed. "Where's the rest of the pack?" I asked. The rest of the pack wasn't here with him. "I had to grab something, they went on without me." He said, rubbing his hand on the back of his head.

"That's horrible!" I shouted before Daniel shook his head quickly. "No no no! I asked them to go on!" He said quickly. "Ooooh.. Okay." I smiled.

"Wanna walk there together?" Asked Daniel, I nodded, blushing.

Why was I so happy about it?

When we reached there, Aaron was speaking loudly with the manager..? Me and Daniel exchanged anxious glances.

When we walked over, Blaze was yelling. "This isn't fair!! We shouldn't be judged just because we have ears and a tail!" He snapped. "But your behavior may cause our establishment harm. Again, we are so sorry." Said the manager.

"Guys just.. Give it up.." Mumbled Aaron.


I shouted without thinking.

Daniel covered my mouth quickly. "Yep! Lets go!" He said anxiously. I wriggled around. What was he doing!?" I quickly grabbed his wrist and walked away from the pack as they stared at us so they couldn't hear us.

"Why did you do that, Daniel!? I could've let us in!" I yelled. "Hear me out, Y/N!! I don't know if you know this.. But.. If we don't listen to store owners or anything.. They could kick us out of Starlight Wonderland with no problem.. And we can't say anything about it.. We have to be respectful.." He mumbled. I spoke up. "But I do own a hotel!! Doesn't that allow me to raise my voice!?"

"Well.." Mumbled Daniel.

"You know, Daniel, I was looking forward to this dinner with y- my friends!! And.. And.. What is gonna happen now!?" I said teary eyed.

Daniel's POV

Why was Y/N taking this so seriously? Why was she doing this? I know Blaze, Ryland and Dottie were friends with Y/N but-

She's crying.

My eyes widened.

"W-We'll go somewhere else and ha-have a good time! I promise!" I said quickly. My ears were pinned to my head. I didn't mean to make her cry!! Did I say something!?

She sniffled. "It won't be the same. I just wanted to have a good time but now there's gonna be that awkwardness and that isn't what  I wanted.. I just wanted to reconnect with friends and make friends.. I wanted to join your pack, y'know... Hang out with all of you.." Mumbled Y/N through her sobs. 

"Daniel?" She asked.

"Y-Yeah?" I stuttered, blushing slightly. She's asking me something? What is it? What-  My thoughts were interrupted.

"Why are werewolves hated so much? Why are we hated so much?" Sobbed Y/N silently.

"I-I don't know.." Mumbled Daniel. "It's.. Just the way they see us.. I guess.. They take a glance at us and they think.." I felt my eyes water.. Am I tearing up now..!? Why am I tearing up!?

I guess sometimes I wish.. I was a human, or maybe even a meif'wa, I wouldn't have to deal with the pressure of not being let into places, I'd be treated equally.

Did.. Did Y/N feel the same..?

All of a sudden, I felt arms grasp me. As I looked down, I saw Y/N sobbing into my shirt. "I just want to be treated equally and not feel like... I'm not a living thing!!" She sobbed. "I'm a living being too! I'm a living-" She suddenly stopped and looked up.

Your POV

I suddenly realized I poured my heart out.. To someone I barely knew. "I'm so sorry, Daniel.. I'm so so sorry.." I mumbled.

"No, it's okay!!" Said Daniel.

When I looked at him, his eyes were watery. Was he sorry for me? Or was he sorry for himself?  Or something else.. Did I trigger something in him.

"Oh Irene.. Daniel.. I'm so- so sorry..." I mumbled.

Daniel hugged me close to him. Why was he doing this? I'm basically a complete stranger.. Oh why why why..

"Come on, lets go back to the pack." Said Daniel. All of a sudden, I felt my body be lifted up. I screeched. "Aaaah!?" I gasped.

"Hahaha!" Laughed Daniel. Our eyes were dry as he carried me back to the pack. They were waiting on the side of The Pearl. The disgusting place. I was reviewing this on Yelp!

"Hey where hav-" Began Maria, when she saw Daniel carrying me she growled. "Hey Daniel, Hey Y- Oooh, Daniel!! You lady stealer!" Teased Dottie. Daniel blushed. "W-What!?" He gasped and yelled. I felt my head be dropped onto the concrete.

"Owie!!" I shouted. This time tears came to my eyes from the pain and shock. "Oh I'm so so sorry Y/N!!" Shouted Daniel, panicked. Blaze helped me up. 

Daniel was panicking. "I'm okay Daniel, seriously!!" I laughed.

"Are you sure!?"

"I'm sure." I grinned, my eyes were dried by now.

"Good.." He sighed.

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